Tom's Mad Blog

Theme Park Caricaturing

June 16th, 2016 | Posted in General

We are a little shorthanded this week so guess who is working a rare day doing caricatures at Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America? I’ll be there from 12-8pm, so come buy and get your caricature drawn! READ MORE

Drac o’the Week- Al Lewis!

June 15th, 2016 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This week’s Drac is Al Lewis in his role as “Grandpa” aka Count Vladamir “Sam” Dracula from the classic 60’s TV series “The Munsters”. As always, the original is being shamelessly pimped in the Studio Store. Was Grandpa actually supposed to be Dracula, you say? I was surprised to find that out myself. Of course everybody knows he was Lily’s father, not Herman’s, so he was never “Grandpa Munster”. He was referred to twice in the original series as “Count Dracula” as well as “The Count” and was known by his full name Vladamir Dracula in the 1980’s short lived reboot series “The Munsters Today”.… READ MORE

MAD Movie Parody Lag Times

June 14th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Over on one of the several MAD Magazine Facebook fan groups someone shared a link to my sneak peek of the parody of “Batman v Superman” in the current issue. Someone then posted the following comment: Were parodies always months late? They seemed to be more current. I hear that now and again, and I’ve blogged before about how the distribution of films these days is very different from the 60’s-90’s, when films opened in bigger cities and trickled down to smaller ones over the course of several months. It might seem like MAD got their movie parodies into the magazine faster because the films… READ MORE

Battyman v Stuporman Sneak Peek!

June 13th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This week’s Monday MADness is a sneak peek at my art from MAD #540’s parody of “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice”, written by Desmond Devlin. Splash page above and a sample panel from each page below: Whaddya mean you want to read the jokes in the word balloons? Whaddya think this is, a furshlugginer library?? This issue is on news stands tomorrow… so go pick up a copy, clod! READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Caricatures in Masks?

June 12th, 2016 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I was recently studying your work on the Batmen print hanging on my wall and a question came to mind: When you are drawing superheroes (or other masked characters), you are given less real estate to get a good likeness, yet I can easily tell who each of the Batmen are, from just their mouths, eyes and feature relationship. Do you find yourself starting with a normal caricature of the actor first before adding the mask over it, or do you start with the mask and place the features where they belong? Thanks! A: The mask (or glasses, or mustache, or anything else that… READ MORE

Illustration Throwback Thursday #26

June 9th, 2016 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

These illustrations were for a novelty product that (I think) never got produced. It was called “Trunks and Asses” and the idea was that these were supposed to be part of a label that would wrap around a tin can, one for republicans and one for democrats. The two different cans were going to be called something like “Democratic Party Promises” and “Republican Party Promises”… the gag being the cans were empty. I’m not sure what happened to the product, but it’s not usual to do packaging or product illustration all the way to final and have it end up never seeing the light of… READ MORE

Drac o’the Week- George Hamilton!

June 8th, 2016 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

By popular demand, a study of George Hamilton as Dracula from the 1979 film “Love at First Bite!” As always, the original is for sale in the Studio Store! READ MORE

Seventh Printing of TMAoC!

June 7th, 2016 | Posted in News

It’s hard to believe but I just ordered the seventh printing of The Mad Art of Caricature since its release in November of 2011. That sounds more impressive than it actually is, since the largest print order I’ve ever placed was 4,000 copies. Storage with my distributor is limited so I can’t order any more than that at a time, so I’ve done many smaller runs rather than fewer big ones. With this printing (3,000 copies this time), a total of 24,000 copies of this book will exist on this planet. Placed end to end they would stretch just over 4 miles. That’s a lot… READ MORE


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