Tom's Mad Blog

Mon… uh, Tuesday MADness- Kim City!

December 1st, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness

Continuing a look back at some of my art from “The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things” feature over the years, here’s a piece from MAD #473, Jan 2007. READ MORE

Jay Kennedy Scholarship Deadline Looming!!

November 30th, 2015 | Posted in News

Every year the National Cartoonists Society bestows the Jay Kennedy Memorial Scholarship to one talented college student pursuing a career in cartooning. This might mean comic books, animation, graphic novels, editorial… any cartooning discipline is welcome. The scholarship award is a cool five grand and a free trip to the NCS Reuben Awards where the recipient gets lauded by a whole hotel full of professional cartoonists! Great, right?! Well, you can’t win the scholarship if you don’t submit your work, and the deadline is December 15th!!! Copied below is the official press release, and a link to get the info on submitting. ___________________________________ PRESS RELEASE… READ MORE

Last Day for “A Sketchy Sale!”

November 30th, 2015 | Posted in General

I just added a few last sketches to the Studio Store for our Black Friday through Cyber Monday sale! At midnight tonight (Central Standard Time) the prices go back from merely overpriced to “you must be kidding me!” wildly overpriced. Don’t miss out on this chance to experience true buyer’s remorse! READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Empty!

November 29th, 2015 | Posted in Mailbag

Looks like it’s that time again… no questions to answer in the mailbag. I actually only have to post this maybe once or twice a year, and only because many of the questions I get are repeats of ones I have answered more than once in the past (I’ve had this feature running for over nine years, and this is the 450th “mailbag” post) or of the “please show me how to crosshatch” variety that are impossible to answer in a few paragraphs. It’s entirely possible that people have run out of questions. There are only so many questions people might have about freelancing, illustration,… READ MORE

More Sketches Added to Sketchy Sale!

November 28th, 2015 | Posted in General

Here’s just a few of the original sketches just added to our “Sketchy Sale”, now through Cyber Monday! READ MORE

Black Friday MADness!

November 27th, 2015 | Posted in General

Whoa! Today through Cyber-Monday you’ll find all the sketches in the Studio Store marked down from their usual $75 to a measly $45! Well, what are you waiting for??? READ MORE

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 26th, 2015 | Posted in General

I hope this holiday finds you healthy and happy, spending it with family and friends! READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- John Boyega!

November 25th, 2015 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

I don’t know if you’ve heard about this but apparently there is a new Star Wars movie coming out next month. “The Force… something”. Anyway you’d think there would be more on the internet about it. This week’s Sketch o’the Week is of new Star War’s star John Boyega. I’d tell you this sketch is available in the Studio Store, and it is, but I’d advise you not to buy it. If I were you I’d wait until Black Friday… just sayin’. READ MORE


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