Tom's Mad Blog


November 20th, 2015 | Posted in General

“The Daily Jumble” is a popular syndicated word puzzle and cartoon appearing in over 600 publications worldwide currently done by David L. Hoyt and my fellow NCS member Jeff Knurek. This week is the third annual “Guest Jumbler” week where Jeff has enlisted six different cartoonists do the artwork and the question/answer gag. Today I am the Guest Jumbler! Doing something related to Star Wars was Jeff’s idea… he had a feeling it might be relevant right now for some odd reason. You can check out the Daily Jumble on Facebook or on their website. Warning: It’s addictive. Thanks, Jeff, for the fun little project! By… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Peter Capaldi Revisited!

November 19th, 2015 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

I’ve had a few people email me about my upcoming new Doctor Who print to urge me not to use the original sketch I did of twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi: …because the image of the Doctor jamming on a guitar in rocker clothes is sure to be the definitive image of this incarnation of Doctor Who. I agree and had planned to redo my Capaldi caricature. Well, here’s the sketch and, yes, it’s available to purchase in the studio store! READ MORE

For Under the Tree…

November 17th, 2015 | Posted in General

Holiday Huckstering Dept. Looking for the perfect useless gift for that special someone! We’ve got useless gifts galore! Limited Edition Prints! Presidential Posters! Signed books! Original Art! and even more stuff! Shipping takes time, so don’t delay if you want to disappoint that special someone this holiday season! READ MORE

Monday MADness- Home Theater Gadgets!

November 16th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness

I know I’ve posted the artwork to this piece, the first thing I ever had published in MAD, many times. However this issue (#399) was finally just released in digital format via the MAD iPad app, so I can show it to you with all of Dick DeBartolo‘s hilarious jokes in place as it appeared in print back in Oct 2000. MAD is slowly building up it’s digital back issue library in their app. Print subscribers get the digital version of the latest issues FREE, and can purchase back issues for as little as $.99 when they are on sale. The app is free and… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Another Book?

November 15th, 2015 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I really love your book on how to draw caricatures. It’s the only one I’ve ever found that actually attempts to explain the thinking behind how to exaggerate the face. Do you have plans to write more books? Maybe about how to exaggerate anatomy or cartooning in general? A: First, thanks for the kind words about my book. I’m very glad you liked it. As for other books, “never say never” but I do not foresee any more how-to books in my immediate future. Some of that is because of the time involved. The Mad Art of Caricature! took a long time to put… READ MORE

The Narrative of Illustration

November 13th, 2015 | Posted in Freelancing

In the art world “illustrators” sometimes get dismissed as nothing but image making machines for other people’s ideas or concepts. According to that point of view, we draw and paint nicely but we have no original ideas of our own, and only draw what people tell us to draw. I remember in college, the fine arts majors called the illustration majors “wrists”, since the considered us little more than human copy machines with art filters. To be fair, I think I might have referred to a few of the fine arts majors as “future baristas”, since 99% would never manage to make a living with… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Adam Baldwin!

November 12th, 2015 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Since I posted yesterday about Veteran’s day, this week’s SotW is a day late but a full TWO dollars short. Another in my series of caricatures of the cast of “Firefly”, here’s Adam Baldwin as Jayne Cobb. As always, the original of this sketch is available for purchase in The Studio Store. READ MORE

Saluting Our Veterans

November 11th, 2015 | Posted in General

Today is Veteran’s Day. It’s a day where we all should take a little time to thank the men and women who have served our country in the military… regardless of your politics. I never served in the military. It wasn’t something I ever even considered, being focused on college and becoming a professional artist. My grandfather was a World War II veteran, serving in Guam and the South Pacific. He was not at Pearl Harbor, but traveled to many of the other islands in the Pacific, especially after the war to clean up and secure the areas. My uncle (his son) served during the… READ MORE


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