Tom's Mad Blog

MAD Milestones: First Published Job!

October 6th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

“Clicky to embiggen… I’m getting ready to head out to NYC tomorrow to do the New York Comic Con this weekend, so in deference to my having no time to do anything original on the blog the next few days will be posts looking back on some milestones of my 15 years with MAD. I’ve posted this a few times in the Sunday Mailbag, but the above was the very first piece I ever had published in MAD Magazine… issue #399, Nov 2000. “Gadgets to Really Make Home Theater Like Going to the Movies!” written by Dick DeBartolo! Sorry I don’t have an image with… READ MORE

Monday MADness: MAD for 15 years!

October 5th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness

Fifteen years ago this month The Lovely Anna threw a party at our house to celebrate the release of MAD #399, which contained my very first published piece for the magazine. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since that issue hit the stands. Here are some stats and facts from my one and a half decades with MAD: #399 turned out to be the last fully black and white issue of MAD printed on the old paper stock. #400 was a special color anniversary issue, #401 and #402 contained color portions and were on the upgraded stock, and in #403 it was… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Best Batman Stories?

October 4th, 2015 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: You are a big Batman fan. So what do you think which Batman comics / stories / graphic novels every Batman fan should have read? A: I’ll be honest with you, I haven’t read many Batman comic books in the last 20 years. Back in the 90’s the Batman stories became really dumb IMO, with lame main villains like “The Ventriloquist” and story lines like when Bruce started taking steroids to get stronger and dealt with ‘roid rage. Then came the Bane story line with replacement Batmen and weird time travel stuff. My interest waned badly and other than the occasional issue or story… READ MORE

The Doctor is Delayed…

October 3rd, 2015 | Posted in General

Looks like I am going to have to push back the release of my new Doctor Who print for a few weeks. Work, life, and other entanglements have caught up to me and I missed the last possible date to get the print job done in time for New York Comic Con. Besides all that, after looking back at my recent one of Tom Baker I just don’t like how it turned out, so I need to rethink that one. Don’t worry, the print will be available well before the holidays, so if you are thinking about getting one for that special Whovian in your… READ MORE

The Fourth Doctor!

October 2nd, 2015 | Posted in General

Here’s the final art of Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, as it will appear in my upcoming print “The Doctor Will See You Now”. I think I mentioned I was going to rework a couple of the preliminary sketches I did before… this is one of those. READ MORE

The Second Doctor!

October 1st, 2015 | Posted in General

Here’s the final of the second Doctor, Patrick Troughton. Part of my upcoming limited edition print “The Doctor Will See You Now”, onsale after NYCC! READ MORE

The Third Doctor!

October 1st, 2015 | Posted in General

Here’s the Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee! Part of my upcoming limited edition print “The Doctor Will See You Now”, onsale after NYCC! READ MORE

First Doctor Final Art

September 30th, 2015 | Posted in General

Next week is the big debut of my new limited edition print of all 13 actors who have “offically” played the Doctor in “Doctor Who”, and will be titled  “The Doctor Will See You Now”. Here’s the finished version of the first Doctor, William Hartnell. Both he and the second Doctor will be in black and white, while the rest will be in color. Done in pen, brush and ink with digital washes. The limited edition print will be hand signed and numbered 1 to 450 of 450, and will be priced at $25. I will also have 13 “Special Editions”, which will feature a… READ MORE


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