Tom's Mad Blog

MAD #536 Real Sneak Peek!

September 29th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I must be clairvoyant. Yesterday I posted a small, cropped image as a “sneak peek” from what will be my piece in the next issue of MAD. Hours later News-a-Rama posts the entire article! So, here’s a real sneak peek at MAD #536– “Home Renovations: HGTV vs. Real Life” written by Teresa Burns Parkhurst with art by moi (clicky any to embiggen). READ MORE

Monday MADness- #536 Sneak Peek!

September 28th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness

What, oh what could be the subject of the piece I did for the upcoming issue of MAD? You’ll just have to wait until issue #536 hits the stands to find out! It’ll be in comic book shops, subscribers mailboxes, and on the iPad next week, and on news stands everywhere October 13th! READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Critics?

September 27th, 2015 | Posted in Mailbag

Q:  Is there someone who evaluates your caricatures? Currently with your experience, do you have bad reviews and do you have to redo caricatures? A: Yes, they are called art directors/clients/customers, and I do and do. Art directors/clients/customers only care about your reputation, experience, accomplishments, track record, longevity, awards, or any other phantom hook upon which your hat hangs insofar as those things may have helped get you the job with them. Otherwise they only care about the piece of artwork you are doing for them. You may have have drawn ten thousand really awesome caricatures, but if your ten thousandth and first is a… READ MORE

Latest Workplace Poster Art…

September 25th, 2015 | Posted in Freelancing

The drawing board really became supercharged this week with a quick turnaround job for Sport Illustrated Kids and a new project for Jeff Dunham, on top of what I already had going. Posting may be light for the next week or so. Above is the art for my latest monthly workplace poster… you can always tell what time of year is on the horizon by the theme of the image. Below is the rough sketch, done digitally. In fact, I’m now doing all these workplace poster illustrations completely digitally, because they are no longer being printed. They are now 100% digital, and get some animation… READ MORE


September 24th, 2015 | Posted in General

A lot of people are having fun with the Peanutizeme website where you can generate a Peanuts version character of you. These are supposed to be kids of course but I couldn’t help doing a little PhotoShop surgery on my result to get it a little closer to 49 year old me. Head on over via the link above and get peanutized! READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Jewel Staite!

September 23rd, 2015 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

The Lovely Anna and I just finished watching the series “Firefly”, including the feature film finale. so I thought I’d so a “Sketch o’the Week” series of the cast. Here’s Jewel Staite as ship mechanic Kaylee Frye.\ This original sketch is for sale in the Studio Store. READ MORE

Tales From the Theme Park #11

September 22nd, 2015 | Posted in Tales from the Theme Park

It’s another thrilling tale from the live caricaturist trenches at your friendly neighborhood theme park! There are many annoying things that transpire around you when working at a theme park, but by far the worst is repetitive noise. Things like the repeating park soundtrack, shows that play near you a dozen times a day, games barkers that say the same thing over and over on their microphones, etc. Theme park management usually does nothing to help people keep their sanity when things get out of hand, so sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands. Way back in the 80’s when I worked… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Heroes!

September 21st, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The TV series “Heroes” is getting a reboot this fall. I did the art on the parody of the original series back in MAD #487, March 2008, written by Desmond Devlin. For some reason (can’t remember why) I scanned the final pencils of the three individual pages before inking and coloring them. Here is the final splash page art and the final pencils and art for pages 3, 4 and 5 (clicky any to embiggen): READ MORE


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