Tom's Mad Blog

Sunday Mailbag: No Editors?

November 14th, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: How has the experience of doing parodies for your book CLAPTRAP without the art department and editors from MAD’s involvement been like?  A: Those schmucks? It’s been like a giant weight lifted off our shoulders! Like running through fields of flowers on a sunny summer day with the birds chirping and a song in our hearts! We hate it. All kidding aside there are pros and cons to not working with the MAD editorial/art department on these parodies. The pros are that we can do whatever we want, and are free to maybe take some risks or try different things that would likely not have flown with the… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Joe Perry!

November 10th, 2021 | Posted in Classic Rock Sketch Series

This week’s sketch goes back to my “classic rockers” well with a caricature of Aerosmith axeman Joe Perry! As always, the original is available in my Studio Store. If you are just seeing this sketch now, you are behind the times! If you were a subscriber to my weekly newsletter “The Ink Stained Wretch” you’d have seen this sketch exclusively weeks ago! Plus subscribers get to suggest future subjects, like this one. Subscribe today for some fun in your inbox every Wednesday including other exclusive content and sneak peeks. READ MORE

MADNess #46- NBA Dress Code!

November 8th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s Monday! That means it’s time to hit the hardwood and drive to the paint with another sports-centric job for MAD. This is one of those two page spreads made up of individual spot illustrations and an unwieldy, far too long and wordy title we all love to page right past as we look for Sergio‘s “A MAD Look At…” This one is called “The Good Points and Bad Points of the New NBA Dress Code”, written by Jeff Kruse and Nate Fakes and first appearing in MAD #462, Feb 2006. Not much to say about this piece other than it would prove to be… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Photo Copyright?

November 7th, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I’m a fan of the caricature and realistic paintings of Sebastian Kruger. It’s always puzzled me, though, as to how he acquires the rights to use the source photographs he does. I’m assuming it’s easier to use a photo for caricature since there is so much distortion that there is often no way to say what photo was used. In your case, you often use film images that can be obviously linked to an original photo while not looking exactly like it. Still, there is no other source for the iconic “Here’s Johnny,” Nicholson photo than “The Shining” so it’s obvious that even the… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Max Von Sydow!

November 3rd, 2021 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This isn’t really a SotW, but a recent MAD cover commission. I am slowly working through the queue of commissions from the virtual end of my New York Comic Con appearance. This one is actually a more elaborate version of one I did back in March for a customer who wanted to add a mashup of Max Von Sydow‘s “Three Eyed Raven” character from “Game of Thrones” in with his knight from “The Seventh Seal”. I dried out three gray markers doing this one! READ MORE

MADness #45- Schiavo Media Circus!

November 1st, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Does that smell of peanuts, popcorn and animal feces mean the circus is in town? Sorry, no. It’s another Monday edition of our chronological crawl through my work at MAD Magazine… which at least accounts for the smell of feces. Today we have a look at my second “MAD 20″ piece for the magazine, this one about the terrible story of Terri Schiavo and the horrific political posturing and media frenzy that surrounded it. There is no writing credit on the feature, which means it was written by the editorial staff. Starting in 1999 (for the year 1998) MAD did a feature called “MAD‘s 20… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Inktober?

October 31st, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I saw you make a snarky remark on Twitter about the “Inktober” online initiative and I’m wondering, why do you hate Inktober? It seems to me you should support something like that, being a cartoonist who works with traditional pen and ink a lot. A: You mean this tweet?: I have to admit I’ve been a bit of a smartass the last couple of years about Inktober, but I certainly do not hate it. I’ve made fun of it now and then mainly because I usually spend a hundred plus hours a month every month dipping pen nibs and brushes into ink doing inked art,… READ MORE

NCSF Auction to Benefit St. Jude

October 28th, 2021 | Posted in News

The National Cartoonists Society is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, and as a birthday present they are doing a big auction of original cartoon art to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The auction started yesterday and runs through November 3rd. It features over 150 pieces of original art from a who’s who of pro cartoonists. From the NCS: The NCS has enlisted the help of Heritage Auctions, the industry leader in the field of comic and cartoon art, to conduct the auction. The auction will go live on Wednesday, October 27th and will close the following Wednesday, November 3rd. Lots may be previewed at Images may not be available until… READ MORE


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