Tom's Mad Blog

MADness #41: Pimp My Ride!

September 27th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s time for another pitstop on the pot-hole riddled road that is my work for MAD Magazine. This spoof of MTV’s “Pimp My Ride” was my 13th TV show parody for MAD. It was also my second collaboration with MAD editor Dave Croatto as writer… and my last with Dave. I guess he thought enough was enough. This feature appeared in MAD #456, Aug 2005. This is unusual but I have scans of the final pencils of this job as opposed to the “roughs” I usually save. Ordinarily I would do rough sketches of the pages on drawing paper or later digital done at print… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Marvel Lawsuits?

September 26th, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: What are your thoughts on The Walt Disney Company’s barrage of lawsuits on Friday? A: Here’s a link to another story about this issue. For those tl;dr folks here’s the brief version: Earlier this year the heirs/estates of several artists and writers who created Marvel characters like Spider-Man, Thor, etc. filed lawsuits against Disney (owners of Marvel) claiming copyrights to the characters should revert back to them after a 60 year time limit under the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. Disney recently filed countersuits saying the characters were created under a “work for hire” arrangement, and therefore the copyright claims are invalid. My thoughts?… READ MORE

The Dreaded Deadline Demon

September 24th, 2021 | Posted in General

Things are getting hairy in the studio. We might be seeing this ugly mug a bit in the next week or two. READ MORE

Illustration Thurowback: Politics Online!

September 23rd, 2021 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

Back in the early 2000’s I did a lot of work for Scholastic, mostly spot illustrations for their various publications, and occasionally covers. This was the cover of one of their school magazines I did in late 2007, and the story was about how online social sites were going to be a a new major part of political candidate’s campaigns in 2008. Little did we know. Gotta love the “MySpace” appearance. In 2007 it was the biggest social media platform in the world, and Facebook was a just started minor player. Again, little did we know. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Aaron Paul!

September 22nd, 2021 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

I ran across this sketch in an old but barely used sketchbook I started using again… Aaron Paul from “Breaking Bad”. I think I posted it back in 2012 but for some reason many of the posts I did in 2012 have corrupted image files that don’t appear… so here it is again! It’s a little smaller than most of my SotWs, so it’s at a bargain price in the Studio Store. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week Vol 4!

September 21st, 2021 | Posted in News

In just a couple of weeks I’ll be at New York Comic Con, which will mark the first major comic con I’ve appeared at since C2E2 back in Feb of 2020, when the world was so naive and COVID-19 was something we’d just started hearing rumbles about. Well, in celebration of being back at in-person cons, I’m releasing a new book Sketch o’the Week, Vol 4! Like the previous three volumes, this one is chock full of sketches and other works from the last 16 months or so (100 caricatures, in fact). I’m placing it in the Studio Store for preordering if anyone is interested.… READ MORE

MADness #40: Batman Begins!

September 20th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Holy Monday, Batman! It’s another episode of our chronological crawl through my twenty years of work at MAD Magazine. Today we have a look at another superhero movie spoof, “Battyman Begone” written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin and first appearing in MAD #455, July 2005. As a huge Batman fan, this job was a genuine thrill to do. Batman was what got me hooked on comics and cartooning back when I was a little kid. I watched the reruns of the Adam West TV show in the late 60’s and early 70’s, and was obsessed with the character. My parents scoured garage sales for… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: MAD Frequency?

September 19th, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: For most of its history MAD had a circulation of 8 issues a year. Then, when DC Comics took over, the number of issues went from 8 issues to a monthly magazine until issue #499. From #500 it was 4 issues for awhile and ultimately went up to 6 issues a year. Do you think the quality of MAD Magazine went down when it was a monthly issue? Do you think it should have remained at 8 issues a year. How was the general response to MAD being issued out 4 times a year.. and ultimately coming out 6 times a year? How many issues a… READ MORE


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