Tom's Mad Blog

Sketch o’the Week- Jackie Gleason!

September 8th, 2021 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Here’s another classic sitcom star that was conspicuously missing from that “History of the Sitcom” illustration I did for CNN… the “Great One”, Jackie Gleason! As always, the original is available in my Studio Store. READ MORE

A CLAPTRAP Sneak Peek!

September 7th, 2021 | Posted in General

My CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin and I have been keeping our work on the book purposefully under wraps after revealing the splash pages for four different parodies, but this week we thought we’d give you another sneak peek at some of the book… this time part of the cover art! Last week I decided to take a break from working on the interiors of the book to tackle the cover. I had to wait to do the cover until we had all our target movies selected, and once we did I decided to wait a bit longer so I could have a bunch of the… READ MORE

Happy Labor Day!

September 6th, 2021 | Posted in General

This is traditionally the last day of summer in the U.S. Enjoy. As they say in Westeros… “winter is coming.” READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Revisiting Old Work?

September 5th, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: As you’ve been revisiting your old work, have you had any OH SH*T moments when you saw something you’d overlooked. I don’t mean things that you look back on and see how you might have done them better, but genuine oversights like “I forgot to give that guy feet”? A: I have been trying to think of any really “OMG I can’t believe that got by me” sort of things but nothing really egregious comes to mind. I notice a LOT of times where I missed coloring something, so someone’s hand is the green of what’s behind it or whatever, but I’ve can’t recall ever giving… READ MORE


September 3rd, 2021 | Posted in General

If you haven’t read any of Sergio Aragonés and Mark Evanier‘s “Groo the Wanderer” comics, then you are missing out on on one of the greatest humorous comics ever created, and that is most definitely NOT hyperbole. Groo’s been around for over 40 years, and his adventures have been published by five differents labels over the decades, currently Dark Horse Comics. There are a LOT of Groo comics out there, including a 120 issue run published by Marvel/Epic from 1985-1995, and many, many multiple issue mini-series. Fortunately they are all enjoyable stories in themselves so you need not start at his first appearance. In fact,… READ MORE

Illustration Thurowback- Harry Reid!

September 2nd, 2021 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

If you do freelance illustration long enough and for enough different clients, you eventually come across some piece you did where you cannot remember the client or the purpose of the illustration! This is one of those. I know I did it in 2010 because that’s the date on the digital file, but I cannot remember who or what it was for. I dimly remember it being for some kind of conservative political group’s internal media use. Anyway it was supposed to be an illustration of then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, depicting him as a big spender. I did a number of rough concept… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Ed Asner!

September 1st, 2021 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

I’m old enough to remember both “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and “Lou Grant” when they were originally aired on TV. I was a bit young to watch MTMS (I was 11 during its last season) but my parents watched it so I saw it through osmosis. “Lou Grant” aired when I was in junior high and my first few years in high school. The thing I remembered most about “Lou Grant” was my initial confusion as to how the same character went from being in a comedy to a drama. I expected to see Lou as the comedic character, but in this new show… READ MORE

More Golden Girls!

August 31st, 2021 | Posted in General

I had a lot of fun doing that illustration for CNN’s “History of the Sitcom” series, but one of the disappointing things about doing it was all the great characters we had to leave out. Not just the many shows that were not represented at all in the art, but important characters from depicted shows that weren’t included. In order to represent as many shows as possible, they had me only draw a few characters from each show. For the most part it worked. For example, only drawing Jimmy Walker and Esther Rolle from “Good Times” left out some other great main actors from the… READ MORE


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