Tom's Mad Blog

Stuff from my Studio: Mjölnir!

June 3rd, 2021 | Posted in Stuff from my Studio

I’m usually all about the Bat-stuff when it comes to the studio but some things are just too %$@#& cool. The Lovely Anna asked me in exasperated fashion a few days before my birthday last month what I wanted as a present, and I said “Mjölnir, the Hammer of Thor!” (said it just like that, in bold italics). This just arrived the other day. It’s a full scale, full metal build, extract prop replica. Weighs about 10 lbs. However I’m thinking about returning it for a refund because I think it’s defective. For starters, I can pick it up quite easily, and I KNOW I… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Richard Harris!

June 2nd, 2021 | Posted in General

It’s another “Schmendrick” sketch! This week’s subject is the late, great Richard Harris as “English Bob” from “Unforgiven”. You can get a sketch like this of Mr. Harris or 22 other possible character from one of the parodies in CLAPTRAP by backing us as a Schmendrick. READ MORE

MADness #28- School of Rock!

June 1st, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s yet another stop on our long and winding road of jobs I did for MAD Magazine. Today is a look at MAD’s spoof of the movie “School of Rock”, written by Dick DeBartolo and appearing in MAD #438, Feb 2004. I am sometimes asked if doing parodies of comedies is a bit trickier than doing them of dramas or “serious” movies. It is but really only from the writing sense. Making fun of a plot that is in and of itself a satire or meant to be silly is a tougher nut to crack for the writer. Dick did a great job on this… READ MORE

Observing Memorial Day…

May 31st, 2021 | Posted in General

No “Monday MADness” today. Here in the U.S.A. today is a day to remember all those who have given their lives in the service of our country, both in the military and (in my book at least) as first responders. For several years I was lucky enough to be part of a number of National Cartoonists Society/USO tours where groups of cartoonists travelled to military hospitals both here and abroad to draw wounded warriors and their families, and into active war zones to draw for our troops serving overseas. I drew caricatures for our service people in places like Germany, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar,… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Brush Pens?

May 30th, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I am enjoying the “mock” MAD Cover commissions you are posting on your blog and was curious what specific markers you use? You mention brush pens and Copic Markers on your blog but do you mind sharing what “specific” model of markers you use. A: I use Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pens for the linework. They come in two packs with a hard tip and a soft tip, or you can get them separately. The harder tip has a blue colored barrel and the softer a green one. I get them either through JetPens (hard and soft) or on Amazon. I like these pens because… READ MORE

Watchmen’s The Groucho!

May 28th, 2021 | Posted in General

I definitely get some interesting commission requests when I do comic cons or “Virtual” Artist Alleys. This was one of the more interesting ones I got from the VAA I did back in March… Groucho Marx as “The Comedian” done as a live caricature style sketch. READ MORE

A Real MAD Cover!

May 27th, 2021 | Posted in General

I’ve lately been posting all these “mock” MAD Magazine cover commissions I’ve been doing, so it’s nice that I can now finally show the REAL MAD cover I did a few weeks ago. The gang at MAD (can you call two people, Suzy Hutchinson and Bern Mendoza, a “gang”? I guess so… of IDIOTS!) just revealed the cover of MAD #20, with art by me! This one was a very last second job for reasons I won’t go into. The image is obviously based on what was the “placeholder” image for the advanced solicitations of the issue: A “placeholder” cover is an image the publisher… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Alan Rickman!

May 26th, 2021 | Posted in General

This week’s “Sketch o’the Week” is Alan Rickman as “Hans Gruber” from “Die Hard”, and is another example of a “Schmendrick” sketch I’ll be doing for all CLAPTRAP backers at the “Schmendrick” level and higher. These drawings will be done on a “tip in” sheet specially added for drawing on. If you back Desmond Devlin and my book at the Schmendrick level you can get an original drawing of like this one or your choice of 22 other characters from among the twelve movie parodies we’ll be doing drawn into your copy of the book. There are only 10 of these “Schmendricks” remaining! READ MORE


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