Tom's Mad Blog

More Mock MAD Covers!

May 25th, 2021 | Posted in General

Here’s few more “mock” MAD cover commissions from my last “Virtual Artist’s Alley” event. Brush pens and Copic markers on bristol. Note I now add a tagline to the top of the cover! I suddenly realized since I am doing these at home and not at a comic con at an actual Artist’s Alley table, I can add a custom tagline via my studio printer right on the professionally printed “MAD” bristol cover stock. I sure am doing a lot of these fake MAD cover commissions. Wouldn’t it be nice to do another ACTUAL MAD cover? That would be really cool… READ MORE

MADness #27- The Matrix!

May 24th, 2021 | Posted in General

It’s yet another mind-bending episode of our chronological caper through my work at MAD Magazine! This week’s episode is a three page feature entitled “Is Our World Really All That different from The Matrix?”, written by MAD editor Greg Leitman and appearing in MAD #436, Dec 2003. Most of these gags involved 2003 current events that, if you don’t remember those events, won’t make much sense. The guy reading the New York Times on the third page was a reporter named Jayson Blair who got busted for fabricating and plagiarising work he had published in the Times. Madonna and Britney Spears kissed on the 2003… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Emotional Caricatures?

May 23rd, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: When you worked at Six Flags Great America, did you ever have a customer so deeply touched by his or her caricature that they actually shed a tear? A: Well, I did make a few people cry with my caricatures… but not for the reason you mentioned. Thanks to David Strickler for the question. If you have a question you want answered for the mailbag about cartooning, illustration, MAD Magazine, caricature or similar, e-mail me and I’ll try and answer it here! READ MORE

Mock MAD Cover: Chappie!

May 21st, 2021 | Posted in General

And now for something completely different… here’s a pretty obscure commission request. You’ll only recognize this one is you’ve seen the movie “Chappie” or you are into the South African hip-hop scene. This “mock MAD cover” commission from my last “Virtual Artist’s Alley” event features the music duo “Die Antwoord” from the movie “Chappie”. Brush pens and Copic markers on bristol. READ MORE

Illustration Thurowback: Gutters #3 Cover!

May 20th, 2021 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

Back in 2012 writer and entrepreneur Ryan Sohmer hired me to do the cover illustration for the third Omnibus collection of his feature Gutters. Gutters was a webcomic that spoofed the comics industry and characters therein. The art for each page was done by a different artist, while Ryan did the writing. It was damn funny stuff. Gutters ran from 2010-2014. Ryan’s company Blind Ferret collected the comic in three huge, hardcover volumes. Each cover spoofed some famous picture or painting. Ryan wanted mine to parody the “V-J Day in Times Square”. I did the pencils/inks and it was wonderfully colored by Ed Ryzowski. I… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week: Dukes of Hazzard!

May 19th, 2021 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Here’s a couple of “live caricature style” commissions I did for my last “Virtual Artists Alley” event. The buyer already had me do a few “Dukes of Hazzard” caricatures for him, so he’s completing the cast with Daisy, Uncle Jesse and Cooter, and Enos and Cletus! The older ones are also below. READ MORE

RIP Bo Obama

May 18th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Former president Barack Obama and his family’s Portuguese water dog Bo passed away last week. They got the dog as a puppy shortly after they moved into the White House. I am reluctantly reminded of the first book I ever illustrated for the MAD gang, Bo Confidential: The Secret Files of America’s First Dog. Bo moved into the White House on April 14th of 2009, and he got a LOT of media attention. Naturally the folks at MAD thought that was ridiculous, so they quickly wrote a short book and it was rushed to press… and I mean RUSHED. I got the assignment in late April of… READ MORE

MADness #26: Trading Spaces!

May 17th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I’m sure you are on the edge of your seat for yet another fascinating episode from our weekly chronological crawl through my work for MAD Magazine. This week’s episode features a spoof of the TLC home improvement show “Trading Spaces”, written by MAD‘s Maddest writer Dick Debartolo, and appearing in MAD #435, November 2003. This was the first of what would be four home improvement/HGTV “reality” show parodies I would draw for MAD, and I believe they did a couple of others drawn by other artists. This always made me scratch my head a bit. There were many really popular TV series that MAD never… READ MORE


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