Tom's Mad Blog

MADness 24: Terminator 3!

May 3rd, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s another chapter in our ongoing saga of a look back at all my MAD work in chronological order. This week we have a peek at another movie parody, this time MAD‘s MADdest writer Dick Debartolo and I terminate “Terminator 3”. This spoof appeared in MAD #432, Aug 2003. This is a rare look at my final pencils for a splash page. It’s rare because I very seldom scan in the final pencils. When I post “pencils” here what you are really seeing are the “roughs”, or the initial sketched pages I scan and send to MAD for review. Those I do right on the… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Personal Limits?

May 2nd, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I have a question for you: Have your personal, political, or religious convictions ever prevented you from accepting a gig or gag? Or have you felt a need to interject and change things which don’t jibe well with your own ethical standpoints? I get that a job is a job, but when is enough enough? A: I have turned down a few jobs because I didn’t want to “go there”, but to be honest I have not been put into that position very often. When Penthouse hired me to do illustration work I immediately told the art director there I would not do any… READ MORE

Open Spots in June NYC Workshop!

April 30th, 2021 | Posted in General

I still have two spots available for my one and only scheduled 2021 caricature workshop! Grab your spot. READ MORE

Illustration Thurowback: Jumble!

April 29th, 2021 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

I got tired of typing out “Illustration Throwback Thursday”, so from now on the internets will be using the term “Thurowback”. You’re welcome. Back in November of 2015 My pal and fellow National Cartoonists Society member Jeff Knurek asked me to be the guest artist on his widely syndicated comic feature “The Jumble”. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” was about to come out in theaters and Jeff thought doing something around that would be a fun and timely idea. This is what we came up with. Here’s a closer look at the art: READ MORE

More Virtual Artist Alley Art!

April 28th, 2021 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

I’m still on my hiatus from doing a new “Sketch o’the Week”, so here’s yet another “mock MAD cover” commission from last month’s “Virtual Artist’s Alley” event. This one is a recreation of my Al Jaffee caricature from MAD #14. Brush pen and Copic markers on 9×12 bristol. READ MORE

Live on “The Storytellers”

April 27th, 2021 | Posted in News

I’ll be doing a live interview tonight at 8:00 pm EDT (7:00 Minnesota time) with comic book artist extraordinaire (and fellow National Cartoonist Society member) Graham Nolan on his YouTube channel “The Storytellers”. We’ll be talking about MAD, caricature, CLAPTRAP, influences, comics, and other stuff. Graham asks great questions and also takes questions from viewers, so drop by and sit back and watch, or jump in with some questions! READ MORE

MADness 23: The Hulk!

April 26th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s yet another thrilling episode of the excruciatingly dull chronological crawl through my work in MAD, featuring my art for the two pager “A MAD Peek Behind the Scenes on the Set of The Hulk.” This piece was written by “MAD‘s MADdest Writer” Dick DeBartolo and “Slightly Disturbed MAD Editor” Greg Leitman. It appeared in MAD #431, July 2003. I did several of these “MAD Peek Behind the Scenes on the Set of…” features, and they were all pretty much the same overhead shot looking down on the set of a TV show or movie with caricatures of the cast as well as set workers,… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Reference Poses?

April 25th, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: How do go about drawing certain poses? Do you take photos of yourself, ask someone to pose for you? Use an artist model figure or just make it up? Or a mixture of the above?  A: Generally speaking I will attempt to draw a figure, pose, hand, whatever, just out of my head first. That works most of the time, especially for smaller figures in say a movie parody panel. When things needs to be particularly detailed, say for a cover or a full page illustration, or it’s a rather difficult or awkward pose, I’ll take some photos. There are also times when whatever… READ MORE


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