Tom's Mad Blog

NCS Zoom Meet & Greet Tonight!

February 26th, 2021 | Posted in News

I am a longtime member of the National Cartoonists Society, a 75 year old organization of professional cartoonists that has boasted members like Rube Goldberg, Milton Caniff, Jeff MacNelly, Charles Schulz, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, Walt Kelly, Mort Drucker, Alex Raymond… well, way too many of the greatest of the greatest to list here. It’s a wonderful organization full of terrific and super talented people. The NCS will be hosting a virtual “NCS Open House/Meet & Greet” tonight at 7:00pm EST via Zoom. Here’s their brief description about it: Join fellow cartoonists to learn about the NCS, hear from some of our current members, and… READ MORE

Stuff from my Studio #14: Rancor Teeth!

February 26th, 2021 | Posted in Stuff from my Studio

This is a fairly new addition to the stuff in my studio… a set of four Star Wars “Rancor teeth” ceramic cups in a display board. These were exclusively available in the Star Wars section of Disney World/Disneyland at Oga’s Cantina. You could only get them by buying a beer flight at the Cantina. The beer was served in the cups in the board: We visited Disney World in Orlando back in 2019 and got in to Oga’s (not easy to do). This was of course back when you were able to just go to crowded theme parks, stand shoulder to shoulder with other humans… READ MORE

Another Art “Contest” Scam

February 25th, 2021 | Posted in News

Yet another major company that should know better is conducting another of those online “art contests”, where they invite artists to create visual pieces of art for “a chance to win $$$” and of course to have your work recognized by “really important people”. This time it’s Universal Pictures, and they want artists to create a new horror character to go along with their famous line-up of horror/monsters for a chance to win $10,000 and to have your work “recognized by a panel of visionary Hollywood filmmakers and creatives”. And, of course, like all of these “contests” this is part of the rules: BY SUBMITTING… READ MORE

Daily Coronacature- Nathan Fillion!

February 24th, 2021 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my take on Nathan Fillion, drawn as Captain Mal from “Firefly”. Original available as always in the Studio Store. I have a story about meeting Nathan Fillion. Actually it’s a story about The Lovely Anna meeting Nathan Fillion, although I did too. This happened back in August of 2015 when Anna and I drove to Chicago for a comic book convention. Nathan was one of the big stars appearing at the con. The Lovely Anna loves Nathan Fillion. She has seen every episode of “Castle” multiple times. She has seen all the episodes of “Firefly”. I think she’s even seen “Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along… READ MORE

A Snappy Reminder…

February 23rd, 2021 | Posted in General

Just a reminder that you have about two weeks or so to get your birthday wishes for Al Jaffee‘s 100th birthday to MAD Art Director Emeritus Sam Viviano. Sam hasn’t set a deadline but he needs time to put all of this together, so I’d suggest you make sure your cards, letters, fruitcakes, or fresh fish arrive by Wed, March 10th. That’s only TWO WEEKS from tomorrow! What are you waiting for, clod… a furshlugginer invitation? READ MORE

MADness #14: The Royal Tenenbaums!

February 22nd, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

We continue our Monday MADness chronological crawl through my work for MAD with a look at my 14th appearance in the magazine, and my third movie parody. This one was a spoof of the Wes Anderson film “The Royal Tenenbaums”, written by Arnie Kogen and appearing in MAD #417, May 2002. This was (and remains) one of my favorite movie parodies I did for MAD. It’s not a favorite because of the work I did on it…I was still learning the ropes of doing these continuities. I loved working on this one because it was one of the most unique movies I ever got to… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Copyrights?

February 21st, 2021 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I’ve read that your work for MAD is owned by MAD and they can reprint it anytime they want with no further payment to you. Is that typical, or do you have a different arrangement for other freelance jobs? A: When I do an illustration for a client, who owns the copyrights of that image depends on the agreement I have with that client. Sometimes they own the copyright in perpetuity, sometimes they are only getting the copyright for a single use with limitations such as time, market, etc. It’s important to make sure the copyright arrangement is clearly spelled out IN WRITING and… READ MORE

Watercolor Commissions

February 19th, 2021 | Posted in Freelancing

Here’s something different I’ve been doing for a client lately- watercolor caricatures of executives as gifts for promotions/retirements/etc. These are all physical ink/watercolors. They give me a list of things each person is “known for” and I do an illustration incorporating those things as gags or whatever. Having to haul out the old watercolors is what prompted me to take a refresher workshop from a former college instructor of mine who lives in the area. All of these were done prior to that afternoon. I’m looking forward to seeing the difference in my technique if/when I do more of these. These guys all like wine,… READ MORE


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