Tom's Mad Blog

MADness #5: Traff-eccch!

December 21st, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Each Monday I’m doing an installment of a complete, chronological look at every job I did for MAD over my 20 year run for the magazine, complete with whatever stories, anecdotes, or milestones, might apply along with the full article. This Monday MADness installment is a look at my fifth appearance in MAD, which was also my first ever movie parody in the magazine. This was a spoof of the film “Traffic”, entitled “Traff-eccch!” written by longtime MAD writer Arnie Kogen for MAD #405, May 2001. This was also the first color movie parody to appear in MAD since the comic book days. I know… READ MORE

Here We Go…

December 18th, 2020 | Posted in General

It’s been a long time since I’ve had to post this ugly bastard, but needs must. I’ll most likely be back on Monday for another stirring edition of my chronological look back at my MAD work. Have a great weekend! READ MORE

A MAD Adiós…

December 17th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD #17 just came out this month, billed as the “Sergio Aragonés Tribute” issue. It’s all Sergio from front to back cover, except a new fold-in by Johnny Sampson which is a Sergio tribute in itself. Most of it is reprints of classic Sergio, but there are a few new pieces by him. What MAD #17 really is is a “so long and thanks for all the fish” forced farewell to a cartooning giant. The image above is the last panel of what is purportedly the final original “A MAD Look at…” feature by Sergio from MAD #17… and it broke my heart. In a way it’s… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Bruce and Siggy!

December 16th, 2020 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

No time for a “Daily Coronacature” again today, so here’s a peek at one of my annual “Holiday Caricature” commissions. This is one of the few that was of famous people as opposed to personal ones of family/friends of the buyer. I’m not sure why Bruce Springsteen is being analyzed by Sigmund Freud, but I just does the draws that I’m told to draws. This is done with brush pens and copic markers on bristol. READ MORE

The Art Supplies Lament

December 15th, 2020 | Posted in General

It is believed that the first piece of art was painted on the wall of a cave by early humans. The second piece of art was also painted on the wall of a cave, but the prehistoric person that painted it was heard to complain that “they just don’t make this paint like they used to.” So began a long tradition of artists complaining that the art supplies they make today are no where near as good as the ones they used to make…or they don’t make them anymore…Or they aren’t available, etc. Art supplies are discontinued, formulas changed, manufacturing methods altered, materials switched, etc.… READ MORE

MADness #4: Malcontent in the Muddle!

December 14th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Each Monday I’m doing an installment of a complete, chronological look at every job I did for MAD over my 20 year run for the magazine, complete with whatever stories, anecdotes, or milestones, might apply along with the full article. This week’s installment is a look at my fourth appearance in MAD, which was my first TV/movie parody. The subject was TV show “Malcolm in the Middle” entitled “Malcontent in the Muddle” written by my CLAPTRAP co-hort, Desmond Devlin for MAD #403, March 2001. I made no secret to MAD art director Sam Viviano that I REALLY wanted to do a movie or TV show… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: MAD Censor?

December 13th, 2020 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: Could you always do whatever you wanted with MAD? Did you ever get suits threatened by some of the content holders for going too far? How often did the editor/publisher tell you to pull back on the content? I certainly could NOT to whatever I wanted with MAD, although I seldom had any gags or ideas I wanted to do cut. This was not because the MAD editors would let anything fly, but more because I quickly understood what they would allow and what they would not. I didn’t “push the envelope” very often since what they would allow was quite enough to do… READ MORE

RIP Dame Barbara Windsor

December 12th, 2020 | Posted in General

British actress Barbara Windsor passed away on Thursday. She was beloved by fans in the UK for her roles in the raunchy “Carry On” movie series, the BBC soap opera “Eastenders”, and for being married to notorious gangsters. That’s her on the bottom right of this “Carry On” movie poster spoof I did the art for that appeared in Viz. Incidentally, I just found out Viz is selling this poster as a print, if you are interested. READ MORE


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