December 30th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature
Here’s my sketch of screen legend Janet Leigh in her role of “Marion Crane” from “Pyscho”. Yes, this is another sneak peek at the kind of sketches I’ll be doing in the “Schmedrick” level preorder of Des Devlin and my book CLAPTRAP. The “Schmendrick” level includes a sketch by me on a special sketch paper insert page in your hardcover copy of the book. Best of all thanks to one of our met stretch goals YOU get to pick which movie the caricature sketch comes from. This will be the one you get if you pick the movie “Psycho”. There are currently only 15 Schmendricks… READ MORE
December 29th, 2020 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
I did this sketch of baseball great Rod Carew for my son-in-law Leif’s father as a Christmas present. READ MORE
December 28th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
I’ve told some of this story before here, so forgive me if you’ve already heard it. While this feature posted today was my 6th appearance in MAD, it was actually the very FIRST piece I was ever assigned from them. “MAD‘s Cable TV Viewing Odds”, written by John Biederman, appeared in MAD #406, June 2001… almost a year after I originally turned in the job. So technically this was the very first job I ever got from MAD. It was assigned to me in early June of 2000. I was told it was originally slated for MAD #398, but I got a call from MAD art director Sam Viviano shortly after turning in… READ MORE
December 27th, 2020 | Posted in Mailbag
Q: In what avenues do you pick up freelance work? Do you have an agent, or just general social/web presence and word of mouth recommendations? Or do clients seek you out from your work at MAD? A: I have never had a “rep”, which is what illustrators call their agents. I’ve never been averse to having a rep, I’ve just never found myself hooked up with one. I have twice approached reps to see if they would be interested in working with me. One was a local Twin Cities rep whose name I cannot remember, but I think she was suggested to me by another… READ MORE
December 25th, 2020 | Posted in General
Happiest of holidays to everyone… wishing peace, health and happiness to all. READ MORE
December 24th, 2020 | Posted in General
I have been recommending Mark Evanier‘s wonderful blog “News from ME” (That’s “News from ‘M.E.’ i.e. ‘Mark Evanier’… get it?”) for many years now. Mark is one of the great humor writers, or any other kind of writers really, in comics, TV etc., as well as one of the most respected comics historians in the industry, so you would expect his blog to be both entertaining and informative. BREAKING NEWS: it is. I’m recommending it again right now for two reasons. First, “News from ME” just celebrated its 20th birthday. That’s a long time, and I am not sure that does not make it one… READ MORE
December 24th, 2020 | Posted in General
’tis the season. READ MORE
December 23rd, 2020 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
No time for a new sketch today so here’s a “Sketch o’the Week” flashback from WAAAAY back. If you have my book “The Mad Art of Caricature” you’ll recognize this one of the irascible Iggy Pop from its pages. Pencil with digital grays. READ MORE