Tom's Mad Blog

Illustration Throwback Thursday: Z People!

November 12th, 2020 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

Back in 2018 I did the pencils/inks on this 48 page comic for Sitcomics called “Z-People”. It’s a humorous story about a zombie apocalypse. Here’s the cover, an alternate cover and a few sample pages. Written by Darrin Henry. READ MORE

Daily Coronacature: Holly Hunter!

November 11th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Better late than never today. Couldn’t resist drawing Holly Hunter as the other half of the “Raising Arizona” happy couple to go along with last week’s Nicolas Cage! READ MORE

Last Minute Stretch Goals!

November 11th, 2020 | Posted in News

With only 10 days to go before the end of our IndieGoGo campaign for CLAPTRAP, Desmond Devlin and my book of movie parodies, it’s a bit of a… uh… STRETCH to think we can reach either of these two last second stretch goals. Maybe it’s just idiotic. But, we weren’t called “The Usual Gang of Idiots” for nothing! Stretch Goal #4: If we hit $60,000 in funding we will ADD SIX MOVIE POSTER SPOOFS! Des and I will put together six parody movie posters from six films we are NOT spoofing in the book. Added content for all! Stretch Goal #5: If we hit $64,000… READ MORE

Another CLAPTRAP Parody Reveal… Psycho!

November 10th, 2020 | Posted in General

Desmond and I revealed another sneak peek from our upcoming book of movie parodies CLAPTRAP on the campaign page today, and the subject is the 1960 Alfred Hitchcock horror classic “Psycho”! There’s plenty more of this parody to come after this splash page… but you’ll have to buy our book to read it!! This one was our second (and final) “Megalomaniac” backer choice. Backers at the Megalomaniac level got to choose a movie for us to spoof, get drawn into the parody and they get all the original art, plus our undying gratitude. You can read all about who our second Megalomaniac is and why… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Election Fun!

November 9th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In October of 2000 MAD was putting together it’s annual “MAD 20 People, Events and Things” issue and I was assigned the art for the obligatory page making fun of the presidential election of that year, George W. Bush versus Al Gore, written by Desmond Devlin. The issue was going to press on Nov. 8th, the day after the election. Not knowing who was going to win, I was asked to do two versions of the image, one with Bush being sworn in and one with Gore, showing the appropriate despondent other candidate and new first lady as well. Here were the images I did: Since the print date was… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Daily Routine?

November 8th, 2020 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: What is your daily routine like as an entrepreneur? For example, do you work on the illustration part of your business in the morning and blog/mail out orders, and other business tasks in the afternoon? I suppose it varies if you have a quick deadline that comes up out of the blue. Just curious how you plan out/schedule your day to be the most productive yet give yourself time to exercise and hang with your family? A: The great thing about working from home is you don’t have to go anywhere, you are always in the office. The bad thing about working at home… READ MORE

CLAPTRAP Gets 11th Parody!

November 7th, 2020 | Posted in News

Thanks to all our awesome backers for putting us over the top with our 3rd stretch goal! Des and I will now do an 11th parody in the book! We can’t wait to get this book done and out to you! READ MORE

CLAPTRAP’s Stretch (Goal) Run!

November 7th, 2020 | Posted in General

MAD writer Desmond Devlin and my crowdfunded book project CLAPTRAP is in its stretch run… only 14 days left until the end of the campaign! We’ve blown away the initial goal and our first two stretch goals, and are inching toward our final stretch goal which is a big one: we add an 11th parody to the book! That’s 10% more content, more laughs for your bucks, and about 3-4 weeks more work for Des and I. Unfortunately our momentum has slowed way down… it’s currently moving about as fast as Pennsylvania counts ballots. Yesterday was the first day of the campaign where we had… READ MORE


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