Tom's Mad Blog
December 12th, 2020 | Posted in General
British actress Barbara Windsor passed away on Thursday. She was beloved by fans in the UK for her roles in the raunchy “Carry On” movie series, the BBC soap opera “Eastenders”, and for being married to notorious gangsters. That’s her on the bottom right of this “Carry On” movie poster spoof I did the art for that appeared in Viz. Incidentally, I just found out Viz is selling this poster as a print, if you are interested. READ MORE
December 11th, 2020 | Posted in General
Shameless Huckstering Department The holidays are almost upon us! If you are still looking for that perfect gift that says “I didn’t really want to spend money on you” look no father than my Studio Store, which is loaded with limited edition prints, not so limited edition prints, books, copies of MAD, and original art…all signed! Sometimes even by me! Here are some more samples: Just don’t look for too much longer, because the USPS are notoriously unreliable this time of year, and there’s only two week left until Christmas! READ MORE
December 10th, 2020 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday
These are character designs I did for an animated show pitch back in 2009. It was a political parody sort of thing that did not get picked up. They all have their arms out like that because the animation people wanted then that way. I did full “turnarounds” on some others but these were just samples for the pitch. READ MORE
December 9th, 2020 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
I’m taking a week off of my usual “Daily Coronacature” subject/caricature Wednesday. Instead, here’s a “Live Caricature” style drawing I did for my NYCC Virtual Artist’s Alley event of Sorrell Booke and James Best as Boss Hogg and Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane from the 1980’s TV show “The Dukes of Hazzard.” READ MORE
December 8th, 2020 | Posted in General
If you are a backer of CLAPTRAP, Desmond Devlin and my book of movie parodies funded via Indiegogo, you will know that since the end of the initial funding part of the campaign we have been polling all backers at the “Doofus” level and higher as to their choices for finalists for three of the last four parody subjects in the book. That’s right! If you backed us as a “Doofus” or higher YOU got to nominate films as subjects, and then you will get to vote to choose three that we will skewer in the book. Well, the nominations are in, and the results… READ MORE
December 8th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This should come as no surprise, but a lot of people on the internet say things in comments and discussions that range from fairly inaccurate to completely untrue, and yet attempt to sound like they know what they are talking about by throwing out complete conjecture as fact. I read a lot of stuff people say about MAD, usually centered around the reason for its current state, that is ridiculously untrue. Here’s some fact checking/myth busting about MAD Magazine: Claim: MAD stopped publishing years ago/last year/recently. Verdict: FALSE MAD never stopped publishing, and in fact comes out bi-monthly as of this writing, December 2020. It… READ MORE
December 7th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Each Monday I’m doing an installment of a complete, chronological look at every job I did for MAD over my 20 year run for the magazine, complete with whatever stories, anecdotes, or milestones might apply and the full article. This week is a look at my third appearance in the magazine in “The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2000”, once again written by my CLAPTRAP co-hort, Desmond Devlin for MAD #401, Jan 2001. I know I just posted these images a few weeks ago post 2020 election, but I’m again I’m a completist so I’m doing these in order. When I originally… READ MORE
December 6th, 2020 | Posted in Mailbag
Today’s mailbag is a series of questions about Desmond Devlin and my upcoming book of movie parodies: Q: Now that the project CLAPTRAP is funded, I’m curious to know when You and Des started the process? When did Desmond actually start writing the script for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker the spoof? A: Des and I first started talking about doing something like this back in the early summer of 2019, when MAD told us they were cutting new content in the magazine down to about 20% in each issue, and that movie/TV spoofs would NOT be part of any new content. We discussed… READ MORE