Tom's Mad Blog

Happy Halloween!

October 31st, 2020 | Posted in General

A little gallery of some halloween costumes I’ve worn the last 10 years or so… READ MORE

Be a Schmendrick!

October 30th, 2020 | Posted in News

All crowdfunding campaigns have different levels of “perks” representing different levels of backer support. Our CLAPTRAP book IndieGoGo campaign has several, like the “Putz” ($12- you get a PDF of the entire Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker parody), the “Clod” ($25- you get a copy of the hardcover book), etc. BTW you get all the stuff from lower perk tiers when you contribute at a higher one, so the higher you go the more stuff you get! One of the higher tiers is the “Schmendrick”. If you are a Schmendrick (or higher) you get all the stuff from lower perk tiers plus you’ll be getting… READ MORE

Daily Coronacature- Sterling K. Brown!

October 29th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my take on Sterling K. Brown for the Daily Coronacature. Original available in the Studio Store as always. READ MORE

Four More CLAPTRAP Movie Spoof Subjects Revealed!

October 29th, 2020 | Posted in News

We are just a little over three weeks from the end of our CLAPTRAP IndieGoGo campaign, so Des and I have decided to stop being coy about which movies are going to be spoofed in the book. Since new movies are not really a thing right now, we are going to do 100% classic/cult hits that MAD never did. You already know about Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and after yesterday, The Shawshank Redemption. Well here are four more we’ll be spoofing: Goodfellas, The Big Lebowski, Blade Runner and Unforgiven! That’s six of our ten target movies revealed! The remaining four consist of the… READ MORE

Des and I on Star Wars Splash Page Podcast!

October 29th, 2020 | Posted in News

This is Des and my Star Wars splash page from our spoof of “The Rise of Skywalker”, but that’s not the Star Wars splash page I’m talking about. We are guests on the “Star Wars Splash Page” podcast episode released today. I am not making this up. It’s really called “Star Wars Splash Page”, and it’s a podcast that reviews contemporary Star Wars comics, interviews creators and otherwise covers the Star Wars universe in the world of comics. Des and I had a great time chatting with hosts Matt and Jeff about MAD and CLAPTRAP. It’s a fun listen. READ MORE

Another CLAPTRAP Splash Page Reveal!

October 28th, 2020 | Posted in News

Here’s a sneak peek at another of the parodies that will appear in Des Devlin and my upcoming book CLAPTRAP… “The Shawshank Redemption!” The stats: Oscar Nominations: 7 Golden Globe Nominations: 2 Screen Actors Guild Award Nominations: 2 Director’s Guild of America Nominations: 1 Writer’s Guild of America Nominations: 1 MAD Magazine spoofs: 0 This movie never got a parody in MAD, likely because it was a box office disappointment back in 1994 and was up against “Pulp Fiction” and “Forrest Gump,” both of which DID get the MAD treatment. Since then, “Shawshank” has become a cult classic that constantly appears in “The Best Movies… READ MORE

Des and I Livestream Tonight!

October 27th, 2020 | Posted in News

Desmond and I are guests tonight at 8:00 pm CDT on a LIVE STREAM episode of the MAD magazine news and review channel “Flippin’ Through”! We’ll talk about CLAPTRAP and our time at MAD. The chat will be open for live questions or comments. Join us tonight! READ MORE

CLAPTRAP Tuesday Update!

October 27th, 2020 | Posted in News

Desmond wrote this week’s CLAPTRAP update, which you can read here. He details the process for how backers at the “Doofus” level and up can nominate and vote on two of the spoofs we’ll be doing for the book! He also reveals how we will be revealing a second sneak peek of one of our movie parodies TOMORROW! That’s a reveal of a reveal. Unreal. We reached our first stretch goal on Sunday, so ALL backers getting a physical shipment (that’s “Clod” level and up) will now get a 2″x9″ full color exclusive backer bookmark with their book, featuring art by me! That’s amazing, and… READ MORE


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