Tom's Mad Blog

CLAPTRAP Gets 11th Parody!

November 7th, 2020 | Posted in News

Thanks to all our awesome backers for putting us over the top with our 3rd stretch goal! Des and I will now do an 11th parody in the book! We can’t wait to get this book done and out to you! READ MORE

CLAPTRAP’s Stretch (Goal) Run!

November 7th, 2020 | Posted in General

MAD writer Desmond Devlin and my crowdfunded book project CLAPTRAP is in its stretch run… only 14 days left until the end of the campaign! We’ve blown away the initial goal and our first two stretch goals, and are inching toward our final stretch goal which is a big one: we add an 11th parody to the book! That’s 10% more content, more laughs for your bucks, and about 3-4 weeks more work for Des and I. Unfortunately our momentum has slowed way down… it’s currently moving about as fast as Pennsylvania counts ballots. Yesterday was the first day of the campaign where we had… READ MORE

Holiday Caricatures Sold Out!

November 6th, 2020 | Posted in General

These sold out pretty quickly yesterday. Thanks to all those who jumped on board! Sorry to anyone who wanted one but didn’t get one of the 15 spots. I absolutely can’t do anymore than 15 as I have a book to do! READ MORE

Tom’s Holiday Gift Caricatures 3.0!

November 5th, 2020 | Posted in General

I’ve done this now the last two years and it worked out pretty well (although I started offering them a little too close to the holidays last time, thus the earlier announcement), so I thought I’d give it another go this year. This year I’m again making 15 of these personal caricature commissions available just for the holidays. I’m doing them on 11″ x 14″ bristol, in brush and various pens, colored with Copic markers and a touch of colored pencil, plus maybe some painted highlights. I can do them of you, or of your friend, family member, neighbor, barber, plumber, or some celebrity/famous person (assuming your… READ MORE

Daily Coronacature: Nicolas Cage!

November 4th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

I couldn’t resist drawing Nicolas Cage as Hi from “Raising Arizona”. It’s one of favorite Coen Brothers movies. As always, the original is for sale in the Studio Store. Caricature Notes: This is a good example of caricaturing “presence” as much as physical features. I am really doing a caricature of Cage’s character from “Raising Arizona” here, but as always having multiple pictures and from different angles helps build your caricature. Looking at the different references, I see Cage as having a long face with a very long and thin nose, close set eyes, and a lot of forehead. READ MORE

CLAPTRAP Hits 400 Backers!

November 3rd, 2020 | Posted in News

Well, we didn’t hit any of them. We are actually VERY GRATEFUL to the 400 people who have backed our book project! THANK YOU BACKERS!! We are also very close to our third stretch goal, where Des and I add an 11th movie parody to the book! This one benefits everybody, because you get more guffaws for your greenbacks! As of this writing we are only a little over $1000 away from that goal! If you are still on the fence about backing CLAPTRAP, get off the furshlugginer fence, already!!! READ MORE

What? Another Furshlugginer Podcast??

November 3rd, 2020 | Posted in News

Des and I are guests on the latest Chuckload of Comics podcast with host Chuck Lindsey! Watch it here!: READ MORE

A Long Time Ago, on a Podcast Far, Far Away…

November 3rd, 2020 | Posted in News

Desmond and I were guests on the Star Wars in Character podcast posted yesterday. We had a great chat with hosts Tim and Chris about our “Rise of Skywalker” spoof, MAD Magazine parodies in general, and our CLAPTRAP book project. Have a listen here! READ MORE


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