Tom's Mad Blog

It’s Election Day!

November 3rd, 2020 | Posted in General

Get. Out. And. Vote. Right. Now. READ MORE

Monday MADness: Pixar!

November 2nd, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

With today’s announcement that Des and I will be doing a parody of Toy Story 4 for CLAPTRAP, here’s a look at some of the Pixar-related pieces I did for MAD. While MAD never did an actual full parody of any Pixar films, they did do a number of related features, some of which I did the art on. One was “Toyota Story” that Des wrote, from MAD #504. It makes fun of Toyota’s “Accelerategate” scandal from 2009. Here are the story pages: Another Pixar piece I did was a take on their “Cars” films entitled “Rejected Cars Characters” from MAD #467, written by Jacob… READ MORE

Another Claptrap Movie Spoof Revealed!

November 2nd, 2020 | Posted in General

When Des and I were putting together the CLAPTRAP campaign, we consulted a number of crowdfunding veterans for advice. We got a lot of great direction, and one of the things almost all we spoke to suggested was to have one really high end, ridiculously expensive “super perk”. It should be something crazy that probably wouldn’t get picked up, but that “high end” perk makes a fun bookend to the choices. So, Des and I came up with the “Megalomaniac” perk. This one allowed the backer to tell US what movie to spoof, with the only caveat being it was a major motion picture and… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Picking the Movies?

November 1st, 2020 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I’m really excited about your Claptrap project. I’m curious to hear more about how you and Desmond decided on which films to parody. I’m sure it was very collaborative, but, was there an instance where you each had at least one movie you absolutely wanted to do and asked the other to include? A: When Des and I started putting this together, “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” was always the first one we were going to do. That was a total no brainer, since it was the ONLY major Star Wars movie MAD would not have done a spoof of. So that one… READ MORE

Sir Sean Connery, 1930-2020

October 31st, 2020 | Posted in General

Sorry to hear of the passing of Sir Thomas Sean Connery at age 90 today. In my opinion hands down THE James Bond. That’s now four of the eight Bonds from my updated print above gone to the MI-6 headquarters in the sky. RIP, Mr. Connery. READ MORE

Happy Halloween!

October 31st, 2020 | Posted in General

A little gallery of some halloween costumes I’ve worn the last 10 years or so… READ MORE

Be a Schmendrick!

October 30th, 2020 | Posted in News

All crowdfunding campaigns have different levels of “perks” representing different levels of backer support. Our CLAPTRAP book IndieGoGo campaign has several, like the “Putz” ($12- you get a PDF of the entire Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker parody), the “Clod” ($25- you get a copy of the hardcover book), etc. BTW you get all the stuff from lower perk tiers when you contribute at a higher one, so the higher you go the more stuff you get! One of the higher tiers is the “Schmendrick”. If you are a Schmendrick (or higher) you get all the stuff from lower perk tiers plus you’ll be getting… READ MORE

Daily Coronacature- Sterling K. Brown!

October 29th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my take on Sterling K. Brown for the Daily Coronacature. Original available in the Studio Store as always. READ MORE


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