Tom's Mad Blog

Illustration Throwback Thursday: Jeff Dunham!

October 22nd, 2020 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

I’ve done a lot of work for superstar comedian Jeff Dunham over the years, from illustrations for his products to helping design some of his dummies. I did this logo/letterhead illustration for Jeff earlier this year. READ MORE

Daily Coronacature: Sting!

October 21st, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my drawing of today’s “The Daily Coronacature” subject: Sting! I almost drew him in the famous Dune codpiece, but then I came to my senses. READ MORE

CLAPTRAP Stretch Goals!

October 20th, 2020 | Posted in General

Since Des Devlin and my book project CLAPTRAP is successfully funded, the next thing we’re apparently supposed to do is set some “Stretch Goals”. These are higher funding goals that, if reached, means we add or do more stuff for the book. The great thing about stretch goals is that if you are already one of those special people who have contributed to the book, you will benefit from our reaching these goals without doing anything at all! Well, that’s not exactly true. What we need our backers to do is continue to share our campaign far and wide, so it gets in front of… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Ready Player One!

October 19th, 2020 | Posted in Monday MADness

This was one of my favorite movie parodies from the short lived “Burbank MAD” era, written by my CLAPTRAP collaborator Desmond Devlin! READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Getting Into MAD?

October 18th, 2020 | Posted in General

Q: How did you first get into MAD? A: I used about 60 feet of rope, a glass cutter, and a crowbar. Just kidding, my road getting into MAD was both a long and a short one. It was long when you consider the time between my first showing my work to a MAD editor and when I got my first assignment (about 10 years), and short if you consider how quickly I ended up with that first assignment after really getting serious about pursuing work with the magazine. Like many American boys I had a time when I was really “into” MAD Magazine. This… READ MORE

Virtual Mini-Workshop!

October 16th, 2020 | Posted in News

Another thing I did for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival this past weekend was a one hour(ish) virtual mini-workshop. For anyone interested in my upcoming online multi-video caricature workshop, this is a little peek at some of what that will be all about. NOTE: This is NOT one of the actual videos from my virtual workshop. Those are still in the works and will be professionally shot and edited, multi-camera videos. This was a live, Zoom-based event. You can watch it here: READ MORE

Lakes Festival “Pass the Panel”

October 15th, 2020 | Posted in General

This past weekend I took part in the Lakes International Comic Art Festival based in Kendall, UK. Like everything else on Planet Earth these days, it was held online rather than in person. That didn’t stop it from being fascinating and a lot of fun. In fact they did a fantastic job with the online experience. One of the events I participated in was a “Pass the Panel” collaborative comic, where 16 different comics artists were challenged to draw a page on an ongoing comics story. The idea is that the first artist (in this case Luke McGarry) draws a page starting a story, and… READ MORE

TDC: Johnny Depp!

October 14th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

This one is actually part of one of my “Virtual NYCC Artist’s Alley” commissions, so done in a “live caricature” technique. READ MORE


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