September 23rd, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature
Here’s my Oscar Isaac. I kind of cheated here as I just got done drawing him a LOT for the first parody in Des Devlin and my new book project Claptrap (back us now on IndieGoGo!) You can get the original of this sketch here. Caricature Notes: As usual, I gather up multiple references of my subject, preferably showing me different angles, even if I base my caricature mostly on a single image. It’s important to see the face from different perspectives in order to get a good handle on what you can best exaggerate. With Isaac, he has heavily lidded, “sleepy” eyes, a very… READ MORE
September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in General
Are you sad that MAD Magazine has stopped producing the movie parodies that they helped make a part of American Pop Culture? MAD writer Desmond Devlin and I are too, mostly because we have been doing the majority of them for the last twenty years and they aren’t paying us anymore! Well we decided to do something about it! We are pleased to announce the launch of our IndieGoGo campaign to produce a book FULL of movie parodies in the classic, humorous vein. Full color! Real paper! Hardcover! Reasonably proficient grammar! It’s called Claptrap!: Our first parody is already done (see splash page above)! MAD… READ MORE
September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in General
Okay, enough with the sneak peeks. Look for the big announcement of the worst kept secret in comics next hour! READ MORE
September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in General
What could this project MAD writer Desmond Devlin and I are about to announce. Hint: It begins by completing a run of movie parodies of a certain series of sci-fi film trilogies where ALL the previous movies were spoofed… except the final one! Keep checking out these sneak peeks and look for the announcement later today! READ MORE
September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in General
MAD writer Desmond Devlin and I are up to something. Hint: It involves keeping alive a beloved comics genre that has been abandoned by the very publication that made it a part of American pop culture. Keep checking out these sneak peeks and look for the announcement later today! READ MORE
September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in General
Still wondering what the heck MAD writer Des Devlin and I are up to? Hint: Des is writing it and I am drawing it (we tried it the other way around and it wasn’t working too well). Keep checking out these sneak peeks and look for the announcement later today! READ MORE
September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in General
What kind of project are MAD writer Des Devlin and I planning? Hint: It will be welcome news for fans of the movie parody genre now that MAD Magazine is not doing them anymore! Keep checking out these sneak peeks and look for the announcement later today! READ MORE
September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
What’s this all about? Here’s a hint: it will be printed on real paper with real ink and everything! Keep checking out these sneak peeks and look for the announcement later today! READ MORE