Tom's Mad Blog

Big Announcement Sneak Peek #2!

September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in General

What, oh what could it be that MAD writer Des Devlin and I are up to? Keep checking out these sneak peeks and look for the announcement later today! READ MORE

Big Announcement Sneak Peek #1!

September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in News

MAD writer extraordinaire Desmond Devlin and I were planning on waiting until next week to make a big announcement about our new project, but we figured we aren’t getting any younger…so why not today! I’ll be posting some sneak peeks of the teaser art and some hints today with the announcement coming a little later. Here’s sneak peek #1! Check back later for the big news! READ MORE

Monday MADness: Final MAD Stats

September 21st, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I received my comp copies of MAD #16 in the mail the other day. The issue should start showing up in subscriber’s mailboxes in the next week or two, and will be in comic book stores in early October. I won’t do my “contents” post until the issue is officially released, but I can share that this issue has some new material in it, including a new Spy vs. Spy by Peter Kuper, a two page Tom Bunk masterpiece, a two pager by Sergio Aragonés and a fold-in by Johnny Sampson. That’s also a new cover by Bob Lizarraga. What it does not contain is… READ MORE

Kiss the Sky

September 18th, 2020 | Posted in General

50 years ago today the world lost one of the greatest and most innovative musicians who ever lived, the great Jimi Hendrix. I’m posting a few caricatures I’ve done of him in his honor today. READ MORE

Holy Video Rankings, Batman!

September 17th, 2020 | Posted in General

Here’s an excellent example of how you are SUPPOSED to handle using images you find on the internet for other purposes. The producer of YouTube’s “Dunmore’s Movie Mania” channel Damon Pipitone contacted me and asked if he could use the caricatures from my Batman limited edition print (sorry, sold out of this one) for his video rankings of the best and worst film/TV Batmen. We came to an arrangement, specifically he gave my website a plug in the middle of the video, and you will find my Batman art throughout his video. See how easy that is? BTW, his video channel is fun and Dunmore… READ MORE

Daily Coronacature- Elizabeth Montgomery!

September 16th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my sketch of today’s “The Daily Coronacature” subject, the bewitching Elizabeth Montgomery. I have to admit I had a huge crush on her as a kid from her role as Samantha in “Bewitched”. As always, the original sketch is available in the Studio Store. READ MORE

Indy Workshop in the Books!

September 15th, 2020 | Posted in News

This past weekend I managed to get another workshop in amid the coronavirus pandemic, this one in Indianapolis. It was a small but fun group! In other workshop news, I have had to postpone my NYC workshop AGAIN because travelers from Minnesota are currently required to quarantine for 2 weeks after arriving there, which is obviously impossible. I will not reschedule that workshop until I am sure the new dates will be viable. I will not be scheduling any more workshops until I am sure they will not have to be postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic. This will be well into 2021 I… READ MORE

Monday MADness: 35 Reasons School Sucks!

September 14th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In honor of today being the first day of school here in Minnesota, today’s Monday MADness is a look back at a feature called “35 Scholarly Reasons Why School Sucks” from MAD #464, April 2006. Written by Jacob Lambert, with with spot illustrations by myself and Peter Bagge. These are all the spots I did: READ MORE


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