Bo Book Delay Apologies
This is just a quick note to apologize to those who have ordered copies of my MAD book “Bo Confidential” with either a Bo or Alfred sketch, or more recently with a caricature sketch of someone from a photo in the last several weeks for the delays on getting these books out. I have been working feverishly on a couple of jobs which have impending deadlines, and will still be tied up through the weekend on them. I have not forgotten about you, and I appreciate your order and your patience.
Next week I have Tuesday slated to do all the sketches and caricatures and ship out all the copies of the books thus far ordered. I have to do it on Tuesday as Wednesday begins a period of intense travel for me where I will literally be out of both the studio and (for most of the time) the country for 5 out of the next 6 weeks. More details on all that later.
Thanks again for your patience and I hope you enjoy the book and sketches when they arrive.
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We appreciate ALL you do with your blog. No apologies are necessary. You can do mine last!
Draw mine first! Just kidding. I wondered when you made the offer how you were going to find time to them… don’t worry about it….It’s worth the wait.