Bobble Rep App Approved!!!!
Bobble Rep, the iPhone app conceived and produced by Ray Griggs and featuring my caricatures of all 540 members of the 111th U.S. Congress was APPROVED by Apple late last night and is now available on iTunes for the low, low price of 99 cents (cheap). This after my innocent little blog post of a few days ago caught fire and was picked up by major news outlets and high traffic tech blogs.
Apple came to its senses yesterday and approved the app. You have to wonder how much of the decision was based on the press covered and image hit Apple had taken, and how much of it was simply that some overworked approval person rubber stamped it as a reject. My less cynical side is hoping for the latter, but I am pretty sure any reconsideration at all was facilitated by the many responses and support of people on the internet who were dumbstruck that such an innocent and innocuous app would be determined “defamatory” to the members of congress we depicted.
Regardless, it’s now approved and you can check it out on iTunes. Thanks to everyone for the support, and thanks to Apple for taking the time to give it another look and see that their initial rejection was unwarranted!
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Good to see this got resolved.
Congrats! It’s a shame that the only way to get Apple to do the right thing is by being the squeaky wheel and hitting Apple in the PR.
to the contrary, it’s not a shame… it shows that when enough people complain about something with a _valid_ argument, a corporation can sometimes act accordingly.
not that this whole issue is a big deal… Apple has denied other apps for silly reasons and then approved them later when developer’s re-applied
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Great news!
[…] too. There have been news stories all over the place about this and then finally, Apple relents. The app has been approved. And it is available on iTunes for only $0.99. Have fun and make use of it cause it took a lot of […]
“…such an innocent and innoculous…” AND USEFUL “…app…”
Sounds like he’ll be able to show off the new app on those 2 shows after all! Since you said “next week” and that was dated Monday of this week, I’m guessing plans weren’t too disrupted. What day/time would I catch these shows? I don’t even know if they’re radio, TV or internet.
Awesome! Don’t really have a use for It just yet, but still cool! Nice one dad
Best. Comment. Ever. My son is proud of me! Thanks, Thomas!
Very glad to see your app was approved. It never should have been rejected in the first place so kudos to Apple for seeing the error of their ways.
That said I would love to see this App on the Android platform for us that refuse to move to AT&T. Any chance you might do one?
Congrats to you and your partner, Tom! Anyone who can do 540 caricatures is unstoppable!
Ah! All kneel before the power of the mighty internet!
Am a iPhone owner, developer of solutions for iPhone and writer of software for the corporate world. I am slowly, but surely, becoming very concerned about Apple and their actions. Have gone from iPhone fan girl to… detractor.
I’m glad for you and your app is now among the Top Paid apps!
Just shows what the bad publicity can do, and the power of the people.
Of course, my political app was in limbo for 6 months, then finally rejected, and it doesn’t take liberties with any politician. Apple’s just scared of offending politicians.
This is great news. Perseverance rules!
And all that hard work sees the light of day.
This might push me one step closer to buying an i-phone, but in the meantime, sure would like to have access to this on a regular website somewhere…
[…] The MAD Blog […]
That is great Tom . . . probably will work out better for you in the long run. I saw this on Fox news or CNN? I’m sure this app will sell even better now!
Hi Tom is good to know that everything end up all right, they just recognize their mistake and see it in the proper perspective. Take care
[…] The MAD Blog […]
Very cool!! Nice job! I’m gonna download it and check it out.
Great Tom
YAY!! Now I will buy an iphone.
Hooray, the global moral authority approved it!
Welcome to the “insanely great” world of Apple.
Who dares to throw the hammer?
[…] had been rejected from the iTunes App Store went viral across Mac and cartooning blogs. Saturday, Tom was notified that Apple had reversed its decision and the app is now in the App Store. Bobble Rep, the iPhone app conceived and produced by Ray […]
About time they come to they’re senses, Congrats Tom.
Congrats Tom, I was hoping for this App to be approved.
Good stuff man, nice to see they came around.
I went right over and bought it! This is awesome! Way to go!!!!!!
Congrats! Downloading it now.
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We created an app almost identical to this one for the 2008 presidential election and it was rejected because it “ridiculed public figures”. I can’t believe how terrible Apple’s review process is!!!
I’m glad your app got approved. Still, the review process has to become more transparent. If not, Apple should become more relaxed about jailbreaking, so those who don’t care about Apple’s blessing of apps can use their own judgment, like we do on their desktop and laptop computers.
Now I really wish I had an iPhone.