Richmond Illustration Inc.
Bonus Sketch o’the Week
February 16th, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Well, this is more of a retouch rather than a bonus sketch. I dug out this old sketch of Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner, when I needed to put a bunch of pictures of recognizable overweight celebrities in the background of the splash page of the Mike & Molly parody I did for the last issue of MAD. I did a VERY quick colorizing job on the black and white pencil sketch with the above results. The image printed very tiny in the magazine (about 1/2 inch square), thus the very loose paint job. Shatner is notoriously hard to caricature, and I think the color adds a lot to the likeness.
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Great work, Tom. I loved your Caricature Book! Amazing!!!!!!!!
Oh, Captain, my Captain…….
The dude’s going to be 81 in March! He may be fat, but he must be doing SOMETHING right! Oh, and I loved his recent “farewell” commercial for Priceline…where he bids his fans good-bye, then plunges from a bridge in a bus and blows up. Classic Shat.
I think this one is cool because when I got my copy of your book, this one of Bill was the original piece of artwork you included! It will be treasured always!
That was one of my favorites, actually. Glad you liked it.
Just amazing!, likeness is right on! š
Amazing! I love this drawing!