Book News: Fifth Printing!
Hard to believe but I just ordered a fifth printing of The Mad Art of Caricature! The staying power of the book’s sales is really amazing, especially through traditional brick and mortar stores. My distributor really goes through them, and we have very few returns meaning they aren’t sitting on shelves too long.¬¨‚Ć I don’t think I will run out of the current stock before the reprint arrives, but it will be a close thing.
I have made little progress with the “version 2.0” of the book, which was to include material I cut from the original book due to space, and some things I thought might be worth including in an updated version. I now do not think I will do the 2.0 version. I just don’t think the extra material merits the update… the real essentials are included already, and I am concerned people will think it’s nothing more than milking the same product for more dough. The extra stuff might only amount to 16-20 pages.
My thanks to everyone who has gotten a copy! I worked hard on it and am happy so many people have gotten something from it.
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Congrats on the continued success – I often refer back to my copy, in times of need‚Äö√Ѭ∂ any chance the possible ‘version 2’ could be summarised here, then? I’m sure there are many of us waiting with bated pens and pencils…
Congrats on your success! I am getting one as a Christmas gift from my own “Lovely Anna”. 🙂
Well, so much for surprises! I mailed that book yesterday, btw!
Great news, and I am not at all surprised. It is, simply, a damn good book. I find myself writing down the title and your name for at least five or six people a month, seems like, whenever I get into a conversation with a customer who is also a fan of the art form and dabbles in drawing people but needs instruction. Or for that ubiquitous customer who “has a kid/niece/nephew/brother who draws and should really get into this!” When they hear such a book exists, and is so reasonably priced on Amazon, they all seem eager to check it out.
An excellent book for all levels of skill. A well deserved success. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with us Tom Richmond!! Rob.
You are welcome, thanks for getting the book!
If you aren’t going to bother with a 2.0 book couldn’t you post it to the blog?
That’s a possibility
maybe you could add more examples, like there as this caricature book where he basically had 20 people and did a caricature step by step for all 20 people. It might not justify the printing costs, but you could make it into a pdf version with the other extra content. Like maybe you could figure out the 100 most common faces and ways to exaggerate them or something.
Ok here we go Tom! A great idea for the next Tom Richmond book; “The MAD Art of Humorous Illustration”,,,,Eh, what do ya think, pretty good huh? A how to on building a humorous illustration from start to finish! As far as I know there is no book on the market like it! It would include human figure placement, composition,props,etc. GO FOR IT!
Man, Lee… you are really hot for me to answer your question about composition. It is unanswerable. Composition is simply about balance and drawing the eye to the focus of the illustration. It can be accomplished a thousand different ways and is not the same for any two projects. One “rule” of composition can be broken a million different ways, so there are no hard rules.
There was a book published in 1973 called, “The Art of Humorous Illustration by Nick Meglin.” The publisher was Watson-Guptill. I don’t know it you’d really call it a “how to” book. It’s a look at a variety of humorous illustrators, with interviews, and commentary. Aragones, Jones, Rockwell, Reilly, Coker, Jaffee, Davis. Great book. It’s on Amazon new or used.
Thanks Michael! I sure will check that book out by Meglin!
I know, sorry about pressing you so much about layout & composition Tom, but it’s hard to get these questions answered without taking college course’s & a whole art program! Gotta admit I like working out the layout prior to starting a piece! I shall stop pushing Tom,lol!
Since the book was so successful, any thought to a Volume 2? Even though all the essentials are in the original, volume 2 could elaborate on more complex concepts. Or what about doing layouts and being able to tell a story thru your art, like you have in your comics, and in MAD.
Did you read this post??
What do you think about a book, in which several caricaturists make caricatures of the same persons/the same fotos (old people, young people, male, femal, etc.). Each caricaturist could give some hints on his style, his thoughts, the time he needed for the drawing, the working process, etc.
I saw a book like this concerning the art of inking (The Complete Art of Comic-Book Inking from Gary Martin) and I liked it very much.