Last night I finished a last minute job for MAD that was probably the toughest deadline they’ve ever given me. Surprisingly I finished two days ahead of schedule. As a result I am frazzled and need a break, so today’s post is just going to be a disturbing Youtube video I ran across on the excellent DRAWN! illustration and cartooning blog. This was an actual commercial for Green Giant canned peas and corn using stop motion animation:
That is incredibly frightening. The giant is a leering, psychotic horror… especially terrifying is this final pose where he leans down and thrusts the cans at the viewer with an insane look worthy of Brian Bolland‘s Joker illustrations. If I had been a kid in the 1950’s and saw that commercial I would have had nightmares for a week and never eaten a bite of Green Giant vegetables!
Very few of the posts at Drawn! are this terrifying. If you don’t visit that blog regularly you are missing out.
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“Eat your vegetables, Tommy! Don’t make me call the Green Giant to come and get you.”
If I have nightmares this week, I’m blaming you, Tom.
Wow, that is freaky!!
That is scary…
Notice they couldn’t quite get the cans to move with the Giant so they just disappear to then reappear.
wow times were scary back then
p.s.- i just saw ur DORK KNIGHT @ the LIBRARY!!! hilarious, and amazing talent to have.
I think what really bothers me is his unchanging, horrible grin…