Bunny Bash 2008
The Lovely Anna and I are currently in The Big Apple visiting our good friends Ed and Heather Steckley and in general just hanging out and relaxing… at least I will be as soon as I recover from the three all nighters I pulled to finish the “Super Capers” movie job. I spent Wednesday afternoon and night working in Ed’s studio on the final images for the final scene. Deadlines conquered…. AGAIN. Now its time to party!
Despite my being a little bleary eyed we managed to spend yesterday afternoon traveling to Long Island to attend the annual NCS “Bunny Bash”, which is always a lot of fun. The “Bunny Bash” is an outdoor party hosted by “The Lockhorns” co-creator Bunny Hoest (widow of original “Lockhorns” cartoonist Bill Hoest) and is open to all members of the National Cartoonists Society. It’s held on the grounds of the Hoest’s beautiful home, really more of a mansion, right on the banks of Long Island Sound. Great food, great company. Here are some pictures:
MAD Men Ray Alma, Myself and Sam Viviano
Ed Steckley, Sam and Heather Steckley
Sam again with Bunny Hoest
Anna and Me with Bunny
Today we spend in Manhattan…. mmmmm, there’s nothing like the smell of New York City in 90 plus degree heat of a summer’s day.
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Have a great time which of course you are!