Richmond Illustration Inc.
Busy at the Reubens
May 25th, 2013 | Posted in General
As I expected, I have been so swamped running the NCS Reubens I’ve been unable to update the blog. My apologies. Expect a full report next week, and a list of the winners of the Divisional Awards and the Reuben for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year tomorrow.
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Good luck to all those involved!
Tom, I have no doubt you have put together another fabulous weekend for all those attending the NCS Reubens Weekend. I deeply regret not being there and reconnecting with all my dear NCS friends. It’s truly a wonderful organization with so many incredibly talented and unbelievably nice folks. Here’s to the NCS and a wonderful weekend for all. Cheers!
We missed you, Bucky!
Saw you made it into the Ruebens-themed Jumble yesterday- Congrats!!