Daily Coronacature

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Maggie Smith!

May 20th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

I only have time for a quick sketch of today’s Daily Coronacature subject… Dame Maggie Smith! READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Stephen King!

May 19th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

I kinda went overboard on today’s Daily Coronacature. Here’s my take on Stephen King. King has a triangular face shape. He has a high forehead and a wide jaw, with the angle of the mandible bones quick low on his face. He has a short, small, upturned nose and a LOT of space between his nose and mouth. READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Pete Davidson!

May 18th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my Pete Davidson caricature for #tomsdailycoronacature! Pete has a fun face to draw. He’s doesn’t really have that long of a chin but his mouth is close to his nose so that makes his chin appear longer. He also has a high forehead, and in order to exaggerate both of those things at once you need to give him a longer face, but a short nose. He has heavy eyelids that give him a sleepy eyed look, and one of his eyes is a bit more closed that the other. He has very prominent lips, and big, rectangular teeth. Sometimes he has a crooked,… READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Keira Knightly!

May 17th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my Keira Knightly. She’s another subject that looks deceptively easy at first but if you exaggerate certain features they fight other features that are also important. For example, Keira has really strong cheekbones, and a “hollow” in her outside jaw mass on each side of her mouth. She also has a really wide jaw that is very angular for a woman, an it has a lot of mass within her face shape. That creates a wide face shape. But she also has a pretty tall forehead. It’s basically impossible to exaggerate both the width AND tallness of a face shape, because those exaggerations cancel… READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Jim Henson!

May 16th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Better late than never… here’s my Jim Henson. READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Sean Connery!

May 15th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my Sean Connery for today’s Daily Coronacature. Connery has a tough face to capture. At first glance it looks easy with his really dark and large eyebrows, the dark eyelashes and “eyeliner” look to his lower lashes, the ski-slope nose, the pursed lips and deep creases along his face. But putting them all together seems tricky. You have to give him a wide forehead, but not as wide as his brows. His nose isn’t really that long but he has a a shorter space between his nose and mouth, and his mouth and somewhat smallish chin. That makes his nose look longer, and gives… READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Michael Jordan!

May 14th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my take on today’s Daily Coronacture subject. basketball great Michael Jordan! This is a great example how the figure and physicality of a subject can come into play and be exaggerated. Jordan had long, muscular, but kind of thin arms. His wrists and forearms were especially long and thin. He had wide shoulders and a long, tapered torso. When he went airborne his fingers splayed out and were knotted in a kind of awkward way. Finally he had a big, muscular neck. As far as his face goes, the extreme expression dictated much of the exaggeration here. However he has a small cranial mass… READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Deborah Harry!

May 13th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my caricature of today’s subject, “Blondie” lead singer Deborah Harry. Deborah is a famously beautiful woman, but that does not mean she’s hard to caricature. Beautiful people are beautiful for a reason. They have aspects to their look and “presence” that causes people to find them beautiful. These are the things you want to identify and exaggerate. She has very large, prominent cheekbones and a wide jaw, which creates a very wide and squat feel to her face shape. She has a small, slightly upturned nose. The main focus of her sexy look is the heavy, sleepy lidded eyes and the high arch of… READ MORE


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