Daily Coronacature

Daily Coronacature- Eugene Levy!

March 18th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my take on out first “Daily Coronacature” subject: Eugene Levy! I promised some process stuff: Every caricature has two elements to it that contribute to exaggerating and capturing the subject. One is the “structural” element, or what I call the “under caricature”. This is the physical nature of the face, meaning the bones, meat and actual physical attributes. That sounds like a “duh” statement… after all what else do you look at when you are are trying to determine what you are going to exaggerate in a caricature? Quite a lot actually. The “under caricature” is the stuff that doesn’t change much with expression.… READ MORE

Tom’s Daily Coronacature!

March 17th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

I got a great idea emailed to me by a gent named Terry Elliott yesterday that may be a fun way to combat the depressing COVID-19 craziness the whole world is dealing with right now. Since we are all holed up in our homes for a few weeks, his idea was for me to post pictures of a subject for a caricature every day. Anybody who is so inclined can do a caricature of the subject and post it either to the Tom’s Daily Coronoacature Facebook group and/or on Instagram using the tag #tomsdailycoronacature. The next day I will post my caricature of the subject… READ MORE


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