June 11th, 2009 | Posted in Freelancing
I once again took the plunge and advertised in Serbin Communication’s “Directory of Illustration“. Above is my page that will be in the book coming out in November. Every year I say I am going to take my time and really design an eye-popping page, and very year I realize the night before the deadline that I need to throw something together. This year I staying with a heavy dose of the “colored line” technique I’ve been using lately. The background colors/dot pattern that mirror my site are terribly distracting and overpowering now that I look at it, but there it is. I’ve written a… READ MORE
May 30th, 2009 | Posted in Freelancing
I received this link courtousey of fellow caricature illustrator Patrick LaMontagne‘s blog. The funniest thing about this video, which depicts “real world” equivalents to some all too typical examples of client/creative freelancer interactions, is that it’s basically spot on with some of the things clients occasionally try to pull. Fortunately for me I have a lot of terrific clients that treat me as professionally as I treat them. I’d be lying, however, if I said some of the things in this video do not remind me of a few past clients. READ MORE
April 28th, 2009 | Posted in Freelancing
Click for a closer look… The poker game website I did the artwork for just had a press release about new unique features like private tables, on-demand tournaments and other cool stuff. Here is the full release: NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2009 Contact: Alan Curtis New Poker Web Application Features Free Private Tables HERMOSA BEACH & HONOLULU – The new online poker site officially launched today, setting itself apart from competitive sites with features such as free Host-Your-Own Tables. This feature allows online poker players to invite friends (and foes) to private invite-only games whenever they desire. The web application… READ MORE
April 24th, 2009 | Posted in Freelancing
This is a job I did a few months back for Penthouse, now on the stands. The assignment was an unusual one, and one I had to briefly consider if I wanted to do or not. Although I do not have a problem working for Penthouse (nor would I for Playboy) those would be the only two “adult” magazines I would agree to do work for… they have a certain mainstream acceptability that Hustler, etc. does not. Additionally, I would not accept a job even from them drawing nude women or a sexually explicit subject. I have zero problem with anyone’s right or willingness to… READ MORE
February 7th, 2009 | Posted in Freelancing
Click for a closer look… Several months ago I did a little side project for a couple of enterpenuers who were designing and building a poker play website. They wanted a more fun, humorous and cartoony environment and feel to the game than your typical video game looking sites. The results are now online at The project was pretty involved. First I needed to design a playing environment that would be fun and unique, but would also work within the dimensions they needed. They wanted some silly animations that would either randomly move or move when some goal or event happened in the game.… READ MORE
January 17th, 2009 | Posted in Freelancing
I’ve got a killer MAD job on the board right now with a brutal deadline, so posts this next week may be a bit abbreviated. Here’s my latest newspaper political caricature for the column “Good Old Boys Gone Bad” in North Carolina’s The Independent print and on-line newspaper. READ MORE
January 6th, 2009 | Posted in Freelancing
I get a fair number of e-mails from artists looking to “break in” to MAD asking for information and advice on how to do it. Most of the following info is in The MAD Blog FAQ, but in the interest of keeping it “out there” here are the recently updated basics you should know if you are a cartoonist interested in working for MAD: If you want to break into MAD, the easiest way is with a grappling hook, 50 feet of rope, a glass cutter and suction cups. You can bribe your way in on Wednesdays with home baked cookies offered to Dick DeBartolo.… READ MORE
December 27th, 2008 | Posted in Freelancing
Just a quick post today. Here is this week’s political caricature for The Independent. It will appear in tomorrow’s column both online and in print. I’d love to do more newspaper illustration. Unlike magazine work, it’s much more of a “quick and dirty” sort of exercise. Often you get only a day or so to do the job. It’s less intense because the images need to be relatively simple due to the restrictions of printing on newsprint, and the short deadlines mean you donlt have time to rethink everything over and over. It doesn’t pay all that well (especially these days) compared to magazines or… READ MORE