
Rejected Children’s Books

October 25th, 2012 | Posted in Freelancing

These books didn’t make it past the editorial department of their prospective publishers . . . the authors names have been blocked out to protect the guilty: The above one is a little over the top. READ MORE

More Bro Code Art

October 11th, 2012 | Posted in Freelancing

Here are a few more of my illustrations for The Bro Code for Parents book, now available on Amazon and in your local bookstore. They are all spoofs of well-known children’s books, songs, nursery rhymes and activities like the paper dolls… all as re-envisioned by “How I Met Your Mother”‘s Barney Stinson: Clicky to embiggen… Clicky to embiggen… Clicky to embiggen… You can see more of them from my post last week. Like I said in that post, this was an interesting project as I had to mimic either the style of art or the “look” of certain things to make the parody effective. Only… READ MORE

Latest for SI Kids… Halloween Edition!

October 8th, 2012 | Posted in Freelancing

Clicky to Embiggen… The October issue of Sports illustrated Kids has a tw0 page illustration of mine in it (above), depicting various athletes in Halloween costumes they might wear. The athletes: Jeremy Lin, Mark Sanchez, Tim Tebow, Michael Phelps, Anthony Davis, and Bryce Harper. Here’s the initial pencil rough (obviously text is just for layout placement): Clicky to Embiggen… They decided it was too crowded so they took out Gabby Douglas (too bad, I liked that one best), and I had to do some moving around: Clicky to Embiggen… READ MORE

Behind the Scenes- Twins Poster

October 4th, 2012 | Posted in Freelancing

I received several emails and at least one comment asking about the process involved with going something like the Minnesota Twins team illustration above, so I thought I’d share a little about my approach to such a project . . . it is a little different than a typical crowd illustration. I’m a big proponent of doing all the drawing on a given illustration as one organic piece. In other words, I don’t like doing separate caricature study “heads” and then pasting them into a layout, trying to get them to work together. That always results in a “disconnect” for me, where the illustration as… READ MORE

My New Illustrated Book: The Bro Code for Parents

October 2nd, 2012 | Posted in Freelancing

Some months back I eluded to a mysterious book project I was working on, which I could not reveal until it was actually published. Well, today is the official release date. It’s called The Bro Code for Parents, written by that awesome dude Barney Stinson, and some guy named Matt Kuhn, published by Simon and Schuster. For those who do not watch American TV, this is the latest in a series of books that stem from the sitcom “How I Met Your Mother”, the others being The Bro Code, The Playbook and Bro on the Go, none of which I illustrated. These books are ostensibly… READ MORE

2012 Minnesota Twins Poster

October 1st, 2012 | Posted in Freelancing

Clicky to Embiggen… Back in the early-mid 2000’s I did an illustration of the entire Minnesota Twins baseball team roster each year, which was given away as a poster at the ballpark on the last home game of the season aka “Kid’s Appreciation Day”. I hadn’t done one since 2006, but this year the Twins hired me to do it again. The above is the result, given away at yesterday’s game. The ones I did in earlier years were ink and watercolor original paintings, which now hang in the Twin’s offices. This new one I did digitally. *EDIT– Due to popular request (and since no… READ MORE

Latest Workplace Poster Job

September 18th, 2012 | Posted in Freelancing

A couple of weeks ago I posted a pencil sketch of this illustration, promising to post the final soon. Well, here it is: Clicky to Embiggen… Here are the inks: Clicky to Embiggen… I actually did the color on this piece while I was in Charlotte for the DNC, using my portable (sort of) Cintiq 12WX.¬¨‚Ć Far from my best work, but deadlines are deadlines. READ MORE

Another Cover for the Utne Reader

August 20th, 2012 | Posted in Freelancing

This month’s issue of the Utne Reader features a cover illustration by me I did back in late June. They wanted an image reminiscent of the famous “Slim Pickens riding the bomb” scene from Dr. Strangelove, only with Mitt Romney and Barack Obama on a killer drone. I did it in my more painted digital style. Here’s the art sans graphics and a couple of close ups: Clicky to Embiggen… This is the Sept-Oct 2012 issue, and should be on news stands right now. READ MORE


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