
MAD About Giclees!

March 12th, 2021 | Posted in General

I’m starting to offer a few of my prints as high-end giclees, including this never-before-offered print of my “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” MAD cover prop. Up until now I’ve only offered a print of the MAD #9 version of this cover, by that I mean the actual cover of MAD #9 including the 2019 cover date, copy, etc. This new giclee print is how the art appeared onscreen in the actual film, with slight faux vintage edging, the 1961 date, issue number, and pricing. This is also a larger print, with the art being 14″ x 18″ (as opposed to 11″ x 14″)… READ MORE

Getting Personal

March 11th, 2021 | Posted in General

Some of the things people have asked me to write as a personal inscription on a book or print purchased from my Studio Store: “To Steve- Thanks for saving my life in the war.” “For Chris- We’ll always have that one time at Comic-Con…” “To my birthday girl Sam, I love you and am so proud of you!” “Dave, You’ll never be as good as me but don’t give up trying!” “To my best friend Amy!” “To Darrin- The greatest caricaturist to ever set pen to paper.“ “John- Fuck off, mate!“ Obviously these and many other similar ones necessitate my emailing the customer and telling… READ MORE

A Snappy Reminder…

February 23rd, 2021 | Posted in General

Just a reminder that you have about two weeks or so to get your birthday wishes for Al Jaffee‘s 100th birthday to MAD Art Director Emeritus Sam Viviano. Sam hasn’t set a deadline but he needs time to put all of this together, so I’d suggest you make sure your cards, letters, fruitcakes, or fresh fish arrive by Wed, March 10th. That’s only TWO WEEKS from tomorrow! What are you waiting for, clod… a furshlugginer invitation? READ MORE

Behind the Scenes of CLAPTRAP!

February 16th, 2021 | Posted in General

This week’s CLAPTRAP update is a video “behind the scenes” look at the creation of Des and my splash page for our parody of “Goodfellas” that we shared a few weeks ago. Enjoy: READ MORE

Christopher Plummer: 1929-2021

February 6th, 2021 | Posted in General

Like the rest of Planet Earth I was saddened to hear of the passing of acting legend Christopher Plummer yesterday. What a legacy he left, though. Few actors can boast a career as long and storied as he had. He was still turning in great performances after 70 years of acting… he won a “Best Supporting Actor” Oscar at age 82, and was nominated again at age 89! I loved him in “Knives Out”. He also played the Great Detective in “Murder by Decree” in 1979, and made my Sherlock Holmes lineup: RIP… READ MORE

CLAPTRAP Sneak Peek Teaser #5!

February 1st, 2021 | Posted in General

Are you kidding me? Yet ANOTHER teaser image leading up to the big reveal of another movie parody opening splash page from Desmond Devlin and my upcoming book, CLAPTRAP??? Mama mia… this is worse than not adding a pinch of sugar to your red sauce! Pop culture news website Bleeding Cool will release the exclusive full first look tomorrow! READ MORE

Being Cracked- Part 4

January 30th, 2021 | Posted in General

My fourth job for Cracked was a parody of the movie “Gladiator”, also written by Barry Dutter, which appeared in issue #347, Sept 2000. Sadly this is the job where I had finally had enough of Cracked and how things were run there, and this became my last job for them. This time we did the parody AFTER the movie had come out (unlike what we did for “Xmen” in the previous job I did), which for me is the only way to do a parody. You have to actually SEE the film before you can make fun of it properly. To be fair there… READ MORE

Being Cracked- Part 3

January 29th, 2021 | Posted in General

After writing my own parodies for my first two appearances in Cracked Magazine, in the early spring of 2000 I was assigned the art duties working on someone else’s script for the first time. The movie being spoofed was the first X-Men film, and the writer was Barry Dutter. Barry had already been doing work for Cracked before the AMI buyout, so he was one freelancer who did continue into the Dick Kulpa era. He had writing credits at Marvel (including their “What The?!?” humor comic), Bongo Comics (The Simpsons), Ren & Stimpy Comics, and other work. He wrote a lot of stuff for Cracked… READ MORE


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