
My April Fool’s Gag

April 1st, 2016 | Posted in General

There is an empty lot up on a very busy intersection up near my house that until about a year ago had a BP gas and service station on it. That was razed and the lot still stands empty with no signs on it about what may be coming on the space. At 4 am this morning I put this sign up on the lot. It’s 4’x8′. The only clue it’s a prank is a small Alfred E Neuman face at the bottom right corner. Sadly it’s very windy today, so I have twice been up there to fix the sign. I took this photo… READ MORE

Coming Next from Zack Snyder…

March 28th, 2016 | Posted in General

I really did like Batman v Superman… I just couldn’t resist. READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag-Go Digital?

March 27th, 2016 | Posted in General

Q: I’m a published Illustrator, have even won a few awards. I don’t use any computer programs. I simply draw everything by hand. I’m finding it very hard to compete with other illustrators who do use alot of technology to do their work. What I’m really wanting to know is if it’s worth getting out of my comfort zone and learning to do digital drawings or at least digitally enhanced drawings? I can make my work look just as good but I find it takes me soooo long to do compared to artists using Adobe/Photoshop. A: I still mostly draw (and ink when inking is required) the… READ MORE

Batman v Superman: Some Thoughts…

March 25th, 2016 | Posted in General

I’m way too busy for an indepth review of this movie (and since I don’t want to include any spoilers anyway) here’s just a brief few thoughts: It does not deserve the hate it’s getting– No, it’s not your enjoyable but cartoonish Marvel movie full of cutsie one liners and popcorn plots, but there is plenty to like about it. These movies dare to examine the way the world would actually react to having super-powered beings among us. It is too heavy handed but not as slit-your-wrists depressing as the haters seem to think. I loved Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jeremy Irons, Amy Adams, Lawrence… READ MORE

Lots of Little MAD Cover Art… Cheap!

March 24th, 2016 | Posted in General

So right after I finished the art for the MAD 80’s special above, I found myself with this big pile of black and white, inked caricatures of 80’s celebrities/icons that were used on the squares of the Rubik’s Cube. I said to myself, “Self, what am I going to do with these little pieces of MAD cover art?” SELL THEM, of course. They are all pretty small, the images themselves being about 4×5 inches, done in dip pen/brush and ink on smooth bristol. They are also oddly cropped in some instances, since I did two on a page and sometimes they were too close together… READ MORE

Is this the Beginning of the End for the Print Mongers?

March 22nd, 2016 | Posted in General

I just got back from the C2E2 comic-con in Chicago. Lots of fun, and very busy. It’s a great show that is much more comic-centric than the Wizard World shows. As usual at these sorts of event, there were many exhibitors in Artist’s Alley on the main floor with gigantic walls of “prints” of copyrighted characters the artists do not have the right to draw or sell. I use the term “print” loosely as the majority of them are inkjet prints from their home computer or copies run off on heavier paper at Staples, not professionally produced art prints or limited in number. I’ve written… READ MORE

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!

March 17th, 2016 | Posted in General

How to do St. Patrick’s Day Right, Bachelor Version (from Penthouse job, 2009): 9:20 AM- Sprinkle sawdust on apartment floor in preparation for return, smuggle bottle of Jameson to work 10:05 AM- Spend day filling out NCAA March Madness Bracket while hating the fluorescent ceiling lights and working on that Jameson 6:35 PM- First bar, someone tries to put one of those stupid plastic green bowler hats on you. Punch them in the face. 11:50 PM- Third bar where 17 year-olds are drinking Bud Light out of plastic yard glasses. Punch at least one person wearing a Larry Bird jersey. 1:55 AM- Karaoke! “In your… READ MORE

Come See Me at C2E2 2016!

March 15th, 2016 | Posted in General

I’ll be at C2E2 at McCormick Place South in Artist’s Ally at booth number O13 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with my booth babe The Lovely Anna! I’ve got some of the usual crap and some new crap to hawk. Here’s what you’ll find at my booth: Signed copies of my book “The Mad Art of Caricature” Signed copies of MAD Comic-Con exclusive caricatures and commissions- I only do this sort of thing at comic cons. Much less expensive than my studio commissions. Comic-Con exclusive MAD #538 Sketch Cover!- I have 18 of these right now… get ’em while they last! Assorted MAD books (signed) Comic-Con… READ MORE


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