MAD Magazine

A MAD Photo Finish!

October 18th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

We’re going to take a break from the seemingly endless monotony of the weekly look back at my work from MAD and share something I wrote for my newsletter “The Ink Stained Wretch” (which you should be subscribed to!). Last week we took a peek behind the curtain of how MAD movie parodies were done “back in the day” as far as obtaining references from the films before we all had instant access to thousands of images with a few keystrokes. I’ll be the first to admit that my job doing movie and TV parodies is a lot easier today than when Mort Drucker, Jack Davis,… READ MORE

Some Rare Original MADness!

October 13th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Back in 2019 MAD stopped publishing original content (mostly), and I thought I had perhaps done my last movie/TV parody for the magazine. Prior to that I had pretty freely sold my original MAD artwork, both here on the website and at Comic Cons. It occurred to me after the “no new material” announcement that I wasn’t going to be making any more of these for MAD, so I basically stopped selling my originals. I thought it best to hang on to them. That said I thought it was time to make some of these originals available for sale, and as subscribers you all get a first look at what’s… READ MORE

MADness #84- The Wizard of O!

October 10th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

There’s no place like Monday! There’s no place like Monday! It’s time for another trip over the rainbow with another look back at my work for MAD. Today we drop in on one of the most unique pieces I ever did for the magazine. Is it a movie parody? Yes.. sort of. Is it a political piece? Yes, definitely. Does it contain a ridiculous number of caricatures of political reporters, commentators and satirists? That would be a big “you betcha”. We are not in Kansas anymore! Desmond Devlin wrote this six pager called “The Wizard of O” for MAD #505, Oct 2010. This was a… READ MORE

On The Stands: MAD #28!

October 4th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I haven’t done one of these for two years because… why ? MAD is almost all reprinted classic material these days. Not this issue, though! There are a number of new pieces in MAD #28 (aka MAD #578, Dec 2022) to celebrate the magazine’s 70th anniversary! This issue officially released today, and while MAD is usually only available by subscription and in comic book shops, this issue is available at Barnes & Noble. Cover: Mark Fredrickson, Suzy Hutchinson (writer) Weird Al Loves Wacky Jaffee- “Weird Al” Yankovic, “Plain Ed” Steckley MAD Reader– Harvey Kurtzman, Basil Wolverton (MAD #11, May 1954) The MAD “Effluent Society” Pollution… READ MORE

MADness #83- Toyota Story!

October 3rd, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s Monday! That means it’s time to race headlong into another look back at the car wreck that was my work for MAD Magazine. This week’s MADness is a look back at a three pager my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin and I did for MAD #504, August 2010. Back then Toyota was in some hot water for an “unexplained acceleration” issue with their card that resulted in a lawsuit and investigation. This was a play on that with the Toy Story gang. Originally I just did a movie poster spoof that was a little different than the above for the MAD website, but then they expanded it into a short story for… READ MORE

A Last Soggy MAD Sneak Peek!

September 28th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

As promised, here’s one more close up sneak peek of a part of the splash page from Desmond Devlin and my new movie spoof in the 70th anniversary issue of MAD, due out Oct. 4. Yes, that’s Des and me making a cameo! MAD let the bat out of the bag (!!) last week and told everyone the movie is “The Batman”. Look for it along with a number of other new pieces by the likes of Dick DeBartolo, Sergio Aragonés, Sam Viviano, John Ficarra, Tom Bunk, Peter Kuper, Johnny Sampson, and special guests “Weird Al” Yankovic (with Ed Steckley art) and Jordan Peele (with… READ MORE

MAD 70th Anniversary Issue!

September 20th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD just announced the details of their 70th anniversary issue, due to drop on October 4th. MAD #28 is being designated the official 70th anniversary issue of MAD, and according to the MAD/DC press release it will contain a considerable amount of new material AND will be available in Barnes and Noble stores as well as comic book shops and via subscription. Here’s the DC press release: More Original Content, Including Contributions from ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic and Jordan Peele, a Unique MAD ‘Fold-In,’ and More from ‘The Usual Gang of Idiots’ Available at Participating Comic Book Stores, Barnes & Noble Bookstores,and to Subscribers on October… READ MORE

MADness #82: Balloon Boy!

September 19th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I’m not making this up… it really is Monday! Time for another high-flying episode of the seemingly endless flight that is our trek through my work at MAD Magazine. This week we reach new heights of mendacity both in the subjects of the work I did and my being credited for new work in issue #503 at all! I had two pieces in MAD #503, May 2010, although neither were technically new. One was part of a one pager that included three spoof DVD covers originally done for MAD‘s website. Yes, MAD used to do original content for their website. In fact, MAD pioneered that… READ MORE


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