MAD Magazine

Sneak Peek: Obama’s Inauguration- MAD #498

January 13th, 2009 | Posted in MAD Magazine

As promised, here is a sneak peek of the artwork for my piece in MAD #498, “MAD Exposes Who’s Thinking What at the Obama Inauguration” written by Desmond Devlin, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Frank Santopadre and Dennis Snee. <a href=”” mce_href=””>мебели</a>Click image for a Closer Look… Click image for a Closer Look… MAD called me up for this one with a short deadline and just as I was leaving for a long weekend with The Lovely Anna. I got back and banged it out in about a week. Frequent readers of The MAD Blog might recognize a few drawings from the “Sketch o’the Week” in… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #498

January 12th, 2009 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book stores this week and on news stands on Jan. 20th: MAD # 498 (February 2009) Cover (Mark Frederickson) The Fundalini Pages (Ray Alma, John Cadwell, Dave Crosland, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Gary Hallgren, Tim Hamilton, Darren Johnson, Jeff Kruse, Glen LeLievre, Barry Liebmann, Kevin Pope, Leonardo Rodriguez, Rick Tulka) Lame Attempts by TV to Explain the 2008 Presidential Vote (Barry Liebmann, Ward Sutton) A MAD Look at Snow (Sergio Aragon?¬©s) MAD’s 12 Surefire Tips for Stand-Up Comics (Jeff Kruse, Rick Tulka, Colorist: Ryan Flanders) MAD’s Sucky Twilight Outtakes (Uncredited) The 2009 Al Jaffee Calendar! (Al Jaffee) MAD Exposes Who’s Thinking What at… READ MORE

So You Want to Work for MAD…

January 6th, 2009 | Posted in Freelancing

I get a fair number of e-mails from artists looking to “break in” to MAD asking for information and advice on how to do it. Most of the following info is in The MAD Blog FAQ, but in the interest of keeping it “out there” here are the recently updated basics you should know if you are a cartoonist interested in working for MAD: If you want to break into MAD, the easiest way is with a grappling hook, 50 feet of rope, a glass cutter and suction cups. You can bribe your way in on Wednesdays with home baked cookies offered to Dick DeBartolo.… READ MORE

Sneak Peek: “MAD 20: Loan Wars” piece

December 16th, 2008 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Every once and awhile I am asked to get outside my comfort zone by MAD and do something very different from the usual sort of work. Those scenarios have their good and bad sides, but mostly I enjoy thinking “outside the box” and doing something that is a departure from my ink and color style. Since I work digitally in PhotoShop (at least for my color), I occasionally get called upon to do a combination PhotoShop/illustration image for some specific need. In this year’s MAD 20, I was asked to do just that… as you can see in the final above. No doubt my having… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #497

December 15th, 2008 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book stores now and on news stands tomorrow: MAD # 497 (Jan. 2009) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Scott Bricher, Tom Bunk, Dick DeBartolo, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Adam Rust, P.C. Vey) The MAD 20- The Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2009 Sarah Palin (Desmond Devlin, Richard Williams and Scott Bricher) China’s Poisoned Products (Scott Bricher) The Massachusetts Teen Pregnancy Pact (Jacob Lambert, Irving Shild, Scott Bricher) The Pregnant Man (Charles Akins, Teresa Burns Parkhurst) O.J. Simpson (John Caldwell, Hermann Mejia, Irving Schild) Hillary’s Campaign for the White House (Mark Stutzman) Celebrity Moms and Dads (Irving Schild) Rev. John… READ MORE


November 28th, 2008 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It was inevitable when drawing caricatures at the theme parks every summer that should I do a drawing of a kid with a round head and large ears I would hear behind me “you look that that kid from MAD Magazine in the picture!”. Har har. However in the late 90’s that exchange changed somewhat. I more often heard (at least from the under 20 crowd) “you look that that kid from “MAD TV” in the picture!”. Me: “Actually that’s Alfred E. Neuman you are talking about, from MAD Magazine.” Them: “You mean “MAD TV” has a MAGAZINE?!? COOL!” Me: Groan. Since I started working… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag

November 23rd, 2008 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Q: I notice in the “Ironic, Man” Mad movie parody that there are caricatures of George W. Bush and Osama Bin Laden as well as a guy with an egg frying on his head. My question is: How much artistic licence do you have when it comes to producing the parodies? Do the ideas of putting Bush and Bin Laden in the picture stem from you or does the writer determine those sight gags? A: I have a great deal of artistic license when it comes to adding sight gags within the art of a parody or any MAD piece. In fact, the editors greatly… READ MORE

Dinner with “The Usual Suspects” in NC

November 17th, 2008 | Posted in General

Front right going counter clockwise: Jan Powell, Jack Pittman, Joe, Su, Linda Maloof, Robin (peeking out), me, Nick Meglin, Jay Pittman, Grey Blackwell, Dwayne Powell. Pictures courtesy Jack Pittman. While I was in Raleigh earlier this month for the NCN convention, I got a chance to sneak away one evening and have dinner with long time MAD editor Nick Meglin, his lovely lady Linda Maloof and a bunch of local cartoonists/artists that get together often and go by the name “The Usual Suspects”. The group included cartoonist and illustrator Jack Pittman, his son, illustrator Jay Pittman, occasional MAD contributor and editorial cartoonist/animator/illustrator Grey Blackwell, Raleigh… READ MORE


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