MAD Magazine

On the Stands: MAD #485

December 11th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book shops tomorrow and on news stands November 18th: MAD # 485 (Jan. 2008) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Harrison Greenbaum, Glen LeLievre, Hermann Meijia, Todd Nauck, Bob Staake, Don Vaughan) The MAD 20- The Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2007 Michael Vick’s Bad Newz Kennel (Jeff Kruse, Mark Fredrickson) Bush Breaks Presidential Record for Time Off (Desmond Devlin, Mark Stutzman) Imus (Dave Croatto) Britney Spears (Gary Hallgren) Walter Reed Army Hospital Scandal (Jacob Lambert, Dave Croatto, Irving Schild) Anna Nicole Smith Paternity Trial (Mort Drucker) Paris Hilton (Uncredited) The Crazy Diapered Astronaut (Scott Maiko, Charles Akins)… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #484

November 13th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

On news stands today, November 13th:   MAD # 484 (Dec. 2007) Cover (Richard Williams) An Important Message from the Editors (Dick DeBartolo) The Fundalini Pages (John Caldwell, Matthew A. Cohen, Paul Coker, Garth Gerhart, Barry Liebmann, Hermann Meijia, Frank Santopadre, Jack Syracuse, P.C. Vey) A MAD Protest Poster (uncredited) MAD Deconstructs TV Talk Shows: The Colbert Report (Desmond Devlin, Sam Viviano) Juggles: The Juggling Juggler Who Juggles (Mo Willems, Tom Bunk) You’re Not Exactly Full of the True Spirit of Christmas If… (John Caldwell) Are We Winning the War on Terrorism? (Barry Liebmann, Ward Sutton) Blose QuiteDiscomforting Headphones (John Ficarra, Irving Schild) The Don… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #483

October 16th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

On news stands today, October 16th: MAD # 483 (Nov. 2007) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Sergio Aragon?¬©s, John Caldwell, Duck Edwing, Todd Eisner, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Scott Maiko, Ben Schultz, Jack Syracuse, Rick Tulka, Jason Yungbluth) When Other Advertising Characters Get TV Shows (Scott Maiko, Tom Richmond) Rejected Hilary Clinton Campaign Slogans (Nathaniel Stein, Paul Coker) A MAD Look at Zombies (Sergio Aragon?¬©s) Planet TAD!!!!! (Tim Carvell) The Strip Club (Rob Harrell, Dan Long, Jason Yungbluth, Paul Gilligan, Keith Knight, Scott Nickel, Douglas Paszekiewicz) The Magical Bear That Made People’s Dreams Come True (Brian McConnachie, Leonardo Rodriguez) One Day in… READ MORE


October 11th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Whenever I appear at a comic book convention, there is one thing I can always count on happening, and I’m not talking about seeing fat, sweaty guys in spandex superhero suits… It never fails that I end up defending MAD‘s taking on real ads in the magazine back in 2001 with some irate attendee. Sometimes they seem to really take this personally… like the fact that there are ads in MAD is an affront to their personal liberty. Usually the person I have the debate with is an old hippy or codger, and they seem very offended that MAD has “knuckled under to The Man”.… READ MORE

Jake Byrd Strikes Again

September 21st, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I nearly fell out of my chair watching this: The video above contains highlights (term used loosely) from a press conference by O.J. Simpson‘s lawyer the other day. Watch the guy on the right in the ballcap… see the oily lawyer squirm. You have to love it when some clown like this lawyer is trying to act like a big shot and puff up in front of the cameras, only to have someone demonstrate how utterly ridiculous and unimportant the whole circus is. The “high five” comment had me practically in tears from laughing. The bit with the cell phone also was a hoot. Anyone… READ MORE

MAD #482 Sneak Peek

September 14th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

When I got a call from MAD assistant art director Ryan Flanders about the “MAD‘s 50 Worst Things About Advertising” job he was pretty enthusiastic about the concept of using as many MAD artists as possible in the project. It’s a pretty cool idea, but I can imagine it was a production nightmare… cartoonists are by nature a little unpredictable and it is probably hard enough to get one person’s artwork in on a single job, let alone over thirty! Fortunately these spots were small and very quick and easy to bang out… I think I did mine in about two hours total, including a… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #482

September 13th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book shops today and on newsstands on Tuesday, September 18th: MAD # 482 (Oct. 2007) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Charles Akins, Paul Coker, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Paul Gilligan, Jeff Kruse, Hermann Mejia, Irving Schild, Steve Smallwood, Rick Tulka, P.C. Vey) MAD’s 50 Worst Things About Advertising (Jeff Kruse and Scott Maijko, The Usual Gang of Idiots (see below*)) A MAD Look at Ratatouille (Sergio Aragon?¬©s) A Collection of Significantly Stupid Strategies for Battling Skyrocketing Gas Prices (John Caldwell) Spy vs Spy (Peter Kuper) The Strip Club (Vic Black, Christopher Baldwin, Keith Knight, Joe Sayers, Ted Rall) Monroe and… The Summer… READ MORE

A MAD Sneak Peek: #481

August 17th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I did the “Celebrity Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards” job (written BTW by cartoonist and former Cracked artist Michael Arnold in his first appearance in MAD) in a typical time frame, but the Paris Hilton job was a last second, brutal deadline job. As such the ‘rough’ is as rough as you can get. Here’s some images and the rough of that piece: Click for a closer look Close up of Paris Lots of word balloons with the “things shouted out” were to cover the crowd, but I didn’t know exactly where they would be placed so much of the crowd will not be visible in the printed… READ MORE


Claptrap Ad


Workshop Ad

007 ad

Catwoman ad

Dracula ad

Doctor Who ad

Superman ad