MAD Magazine

A MAD Cyber-Poster

April 19th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This just got sent to me today and will probably be available to download soon from MAD‘s official website: The MAD guys put these things together as exclusive content for their website now and again, which is something great to see. Many of them make the rounds on the internet on message boards and joke e-mails. Here’s two that are on the MAD website right now: They had one a year or two ago that was a parody of one of the recent Star Wars film posters that was pretty clever, but that one seems to be gone from the site. I’d like to see… READ MORE

MAD KIDS #7 Sneak Peek

April 13th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD art director Sam Viviano warned me that a cover job would be a little different, and he was not kidding. Often when doing feature stuff the editors give the artists a lot of leeway to have fun and add something to the proceedings. They are still very specific about certain things and definitely demand changes when needed, but covers are very different. These are highly scrutinized and the process is reviewed at each step much more closely and with more specific control than the typical inside job. That is no surprise… the cover is the face of the magazine and it’s importance cannot be… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD Kids #7

April 12th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Also in comic shops right now and on newsstands on the 18th: MAD KIDS # 7 (May 2007) Cover (Tom Richmond) Alfred’s Brain Drool (Various) Wacky Wall Webbers (Tom Richmond) One Friday Morning (Don Martin) Kid’s Inventions…(Brent Engstrom) A Shore Thing (Felipe Galindo) What School Bus Drivers are Doing While You are in Class (Teresa Burns Parkhurst) The Continuing Adventures of Willy Nilly (Nate Neal, Jacob Chabot) MAD KIDS Chat Room: Tobey MaGuire (Vic Arkoff, Jack Syracuse) A MAD KIDS Look at Supermarkets (Sergio Aragones) Fairy Tale Scenes We’d Like to See (Don Martin) Game On! (Patrick MerrellCharlie Kadau, Charles Akins) Spider-Man Funnies (Don Martin)… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #477

April 11th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In comic book shops today and on newsstands on Tuesday, April 18th: MAD # 477 (May 2007) Cover (Mark Frederickson) The Fundalini Pages (Charles Akins, Doug Bratton, John Caldwell, Paul Coker, Dick DeBartolo, Jeff Kruse, Scott Maiko, Frank Santopadre, Jack Syracuse, Rick Tulka) The Biggest Lardass (Desmond Devlin, Tom Bunk) MAD’s Teacher Translation Guide (Jacob Lambert, Jose Garibaldi) Unabridged Corporate Slogans (Part II) (Jacob Lambert) A MAD Look at Airport Security (Sergio Aragones) How Global Warming is Affecting Various People (J. Prete, Drew Friedman) 7 Periods Closer to Death (Ted Rall) Monroe and… The New Kid (Anthony Barbieri, Tom Fowler) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)… READ MORE

MAD about “The Best Damn Sports Show Period”

March 17th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It seems the guys at the “Best Damn Sports Show Period” have a sense of humor. They were quite proud on a recent show of their appearance in MAD # 475. They did a short segment on the parody, one of MAD’s series “MAD Deconstructs TV Talk Shows”. Host Chris Rose even read some excerpts complete with graphics of the panels blown up on the screen. No comments about my caricatures of the group, except for how long I drew Rodney Peete‘s tongue in the gag with Pam Anderson as the guest bimbo. Here are the panels they highlighted: Of course, I am not sure… READ MORE

“Entourage” Parody Sneak Peek

March 16th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

As promised here are some images from the parody of “Entourage”, entitled “Entergarbage” in this month’s issue of MAD: Initial pencils of a section of the splash Inks Final color Some individual panels… This was a fun one to do, as many of the faces were great to draw. Kevin Dillon‘s “Johnny Drama” was particularly fun. You may notice Britney Spears‘ face changed a lot from the pencil sketch to the inked version. This is an example where MAD asked for some changes. The editors felt I made Britney too hot, and they wanted me to make her look less attractive and more on the… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #476

March 15th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The latest issue of MAD is in comic shops this week, and on newsstands on Tuesday. It contains my parody of “Entourage”. I’ll post some sneak peeks of that parody, along with some of the pencils and such tomorrow. One noteworthy tidbit about this issue of MAD. According to Mike Slaubaugh and his MAD Lists website, this issue represents Sergio Aragones’ 400th appearance in the magazine. He has only missed one issue since his first appearance in MAD #76, over 40 years ago! Congratulations or sympathies to Sergio, depending on your point of view. According to Mike’s list, I’ve got only 342 more appearances to… READ MORE

Speaking of Don Martin…

February 27th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I came across these animated shorts of Don Martin’s cartoons on YouTube: I believe they were done by German film producer Hahn Film, and may have been part of a 30 minute TV special called “Don Martin Does It Again”, presumably for German TV. They are definitely in German and not the ones that reportedly appeared on early episodes of MAD TV. As animation goes these are pretty crude and the funky sharpness of Martin’s art is lost in the process. The best one is the last one entitled “Frog”, which is a gag straight from the pages of MAD. Speaking of MAD TV specials… READ MORE


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