MAD Magazine

FURSHGLURK! Don Martin Collection is Nigh!

February 26th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD and Running Press are going to be releasing the first of a series of complete collections entitled “MAD’s Greatest Artists”, where they presumably collect all the art of each featured artist that appeared in the magazine. The first volume is called MAD’s Greatest Artists: The Completely MAD Don Martin. The article linked above comes from Scoop, a website for news about collectibles, does not go into too many details other than to say it will be a two-volume slip-cased special edition and will include every single work Martin created for the magazine, weighing in at over 1000 pages and 17 pounds. The edition also… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #475

February 13th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This issue is already in subscriber’s mailboxes and in comic shops this week, and should be on news stands in the next week: MAD # 475 (March 2007) Cover (Mark Frederickson) The Fundalini Pages (Ray Alma, Paul Coker, Desmond Devlin, Duck Edwing, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Francis Mao, Adam Rust, Kiernan P. Schmitt) A Day in the Life of Dane Cook (Scott Maiko, Hermann Mejia) The Snowman: The Alternate Version (Emily Flake) John Caldwell’s Thanks to YouTube… (John Caldwell) Refrigerator Art Reviews (Jeff Kruse, Irving Schild) MAD Decontructs TV Talk Shows… “The Best Damn Sports Show Period” (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond) Signs You Have a… READ MORE

Batman Begins Parody Art on eBay

January 30th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I’ve relisted the artwork for the entire Batman Begins parody on eBay. Previously I had listed it but canceled the auction after being advised by someone I greatly respect that this particular parody has a great deal of value because of the subject matter alone, and I should not sell it for so cheap. After I ended the auction I received further advice from an individual who sells MAD originals for a living that I would be lucky to get that much or it, an that only??ᬨ‚Ć Jack Davis, Wally Wood and Mort Drucker art from MAD sells at $300.00 a page. Well, I’ve giving… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #474

January 20th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

These will only be once a month from now on, now that I’m caught up. Issue #473 had been out almost a month. This issue just hit news stands this week: MAD # 474 (Feb 07) Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Todd Eisner, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Glen Le Lievre, Adam Rust, Benjamin Shultz, Sam Sisco, Rick Tulka, PC Vey) Gap Celebrity Ads You May Have Missed – Kevin Federline, Donald Rumsfeld, Osama Bin Laden, OJ Simpson (Mark Fredrickson) War Cliches: Completing The Sentences (Jeff Kruse, Mort Drucker) A MAD Look At The Amazing Race (Sergio Aragones) MAD’s Inspirational Animal… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #473

January 18th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Every month, I’ll be shamelessly plugging the new MAD issue as it comes out complete with a scan of the cover, a list of the contents and their contributors (courtesy of Mike Slaubaugh, thanks Mike!) and a few peeks at anything I may have in said issue. Since I missed the first issue of 2007 (cover date, anyway), here’s what’s on the stands right now: MAD #473 (Jan. 07) Contents: Dick Cheney Cover (Mark Fredrickson) The Fundalini Pages (Charles Akins, John Caldwell, Paul Coker, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Nicholas Michael Ferry IV, Garth Gerhart, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kevin Pope, Adam Rust, PC Vey) The MAD… READ MORE

What, Me Worry?

January 13th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The other day I received the following e-mail from Mike Powers, a gentlemen I worked with on the Twin’s “Piranhas” shirt. Mike sent the following image to me and said in part: “I came across this old sign/photo that was my grandfathers, and since you’re a MAD artist, I thought you might find it interesting. I don’t know the origins of the photo, though I should say that it isn’t the original (simply a very old copy, probably from the 40s/50s era). It’s my assumption that this was the image used to create the original depiction of the Mad icon by Norman Mingo, but in… READ MORE

A View to a Shill Dept.

December 23rd, 2006 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The long anticipated update to the Totally MAD cd-rom collection is finally out. Absolutely MAD contains complete digital copies of all issues of MAD from #1 to #460 on one DVD, as well as special issues and collections. Each issue is searchable by keywords and such. A valuable resource… and it works on both Macs and PCs. Go buy one today, clod! READ MORE

Changed my Mind about Selling “Battyman Begone”

November 28th, 2006 | Posted in General

A good friend convinced me that selling this artwork for the song I was asking was a disservice. Maybe it will never be sellable for much more than I was asking, but it is worth more to me.??ᬨ‚Ć I guess the after market for pages from MAD isn’t worth much if your last name isn’t Drucker, Davis, Wood or similar… or more accurately if you aren’t in the same league as those guys.??ᬨ‚Ć Of course, who is? I’ve ended my eBay auction and taken the references to selling the parody art for Battyman Begone off the Blog and the Studio Store. Maybe one day I… READ MORE


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