MAD Magazine
July 4th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s Monday again, and that means it’s time for yet another exciting episode of our relentless crawl through my work at MAD magazine. This week we have a look at what might have been the smallest piece I ever had in the magazine. This was a spot feature that was part of “The Fundalini Pages”, which was a multiple page feature at the front of every issue from #438 to to the last NYC issue #550. The Fundalini Pages contained short features, multiple ones to a page, that were sometimes illustrated (like this one) and sometimes just copy. I only ever did two pieces for… READ MORE
June 27th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Holy back from vacation, Batman! It’s the same bat-time on the same bat-channel as we return to our crusade of vengeance that is my work for MAD magazine. In this week’s episode we have a look at yet another super hero movie parody. This time it’s MAD‘s spoof of “The Dark Knight”, written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin and first appearing in MAD #495, Aug 2008. It’s no secret I am a big fan of Batman, so getting to do the art for the spoofs of the Christopher Nolan films was a treat for me. This parody also happens to include one of my… READ MORE
June 13th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s MAD Marvel Monday! Time for another look at my work for MAD magazine, this time we check out the parody of the first of the “Marvel Cinematic Universe” films… “Ironic, Man”, written by my CLAPTRAP chohort Desmond Devlin and first appearing in MAD #492, August 2008! Ecch-selsior! I remember that this one got done in record time… mainly because of the timing of the movie and the issue of MAD they wanted to include it in. Unusually, I got the call that this parody was coming just before the movie came out. Desmond did the script over the opening weekend and I was drawing it… READ MORE
June 6th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
What?!? Monday AGAIN!?? Hold on to your W-2’s, team! This week we look back at MAD poking fun at McDonald’s and their “Hamburger University” with this two page feature from MAD #491, July 2008 entitled “What’s being taught at Other Corporate Colleges! Written by John Samony and Scott Maiko. John only had one other piece in MAD, which I did not draw, but Scott was a pretty prolific writer for the magazine, especially from about issue 400 on. I only worked on four features that he wrote, though. This was one of them. Scott must have been a NYC guy, because I don’t think he… READ MORE
May 23rd, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Live from New York, it’s Monday! Yes, I know this isn’t from “Saturday Night Live”, but it’s close enough. This week’s MADness is a look at MAD‘s parody of the TV show “30 Rock”, written by Arnie Kogen and first appearing in MAD #490, June 2008. So, what’s with the odd looking monkey I added in the lower center of the splash on the final? Well, if you remember a few issues ago was the “All Monkey Issue”, and I did the art on a piece showing the MAD staff as monkeys. After the issue came out, the folks at MAD decided they should have added former art director Nadina Simon in that group.… READ MORE
May 16th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s Monday AGAIN!?! It seems like this happens every week. In today’s installment of our incredibly tedious hike through the twisted trails that was my work for MAD Magazine, we have a look at a spoof of a TV show about a woman who forgets everything about herself… which is appropriate because no one remembers anything about this show! Actually it got high ratings its first season but was cancelled during its second season, but it wasn’t exactly ‘Friends”. “Slomantha, Who Cares?” was written by MAD‘s MADdest Writer Dick DeBartolo and was first published in MAD #489, May 2008. This is another job where I… READ MORE
May 9th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s Monday, and we aren’t monkeying around… or maybe we are! It’s time to go bananas as we swing into another feces-flinging look at my work for MAD Magazine. This week we peek at one of the oddest and most challenging jobs I ever did for MAD. “Meet the New Staff of MAD” appeared in MAD #488 also known as the “Monkey Issue”, and was written by Jeff Kruse. #488 was an “All Monkey Issue”, filled from front to back with gags about monkeys and apes. The issue even had a parody of the TV show “Monk” with Mort Drucker drawing a monkey instead of the lead… READ MORE
May 2nd, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
“Save the Cheerleader, Save the World?”… We were barely able to save this parody! It’s time for another episode of our relentless time-travelling trip through my work at MAD Magazine! This week we have a look at another TV parody, this time skewering the show “Heroes”. Written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin, this spoof first appeared in MAD #487, March 2008. My pencil roughs were truly “roughs” for this job. I was trying to attempt to spend less time with the comps and do more of the actual drawing things out on the final boards. As a result, I was reduced to labeling the… READ MORE