MAD Magazine
May 2nd, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
“Save the Cheerleader, Save the World?”… We were barely able to save this parody! It’s time for another episode of our relentless time-travelling trip through my work at MAD Magazine! This week we have a look at another TV parody, this time skewering the show “Heroes”. Written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin, this spoof first appeared in MAD #487, March 2008. My pencil roughs were truly “roughs” for this job. I was trying to attempt to spend less time with the comps and do more of the actual drawing things out on the final boards. As a result, I was reduced to labeling the… READ MORE
April 4th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s F#%*ing monday already??!? It’s time to make you another offer you can’t refuse! This parody just fell off the back of a truck! Fuggedaboutit! Our hit job this week is a mash up style parody of “America’s Top Model” and “The Sopranos” entitled “America’s Top Mobster.” Written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin and first appearing in MAD #482, Oct 2007. If I remember right, I had to do this piece in about 2 weeks, and some of the time I was travelling, so this was a seriously rushed job, which probably explains the preponderance of monochrome coloring. I suspect I colored this whole… READ MORE
March 28th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Pikachu, I choose YOU! Gotta catch ’em all with this week’s look at… oh wait. That’s Pokemon. WTH is “Yu-Gi-Oh” anyway? I didn’t have any idea in 2007 when I did this job, and I still don’t. But, that didn;t stop me from doing the art for “Celebrity Yu-Gi-Oh Cards”, written by Michael Arnold and appearing in MAD #481, June 2007. This appeared in the same issue as last week’s “Paris Hilton” one pager, making this the third time I had multiple pieces in a single issue of MAD. However this was the one and only time I worked with writer Michael Arnold, who is… READ MORE
March 21st, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s Monday, and that means another trip to solitary confinement as we continue serving time on our sentence of having to look back at my twenty years of criminally contemptible work for MAD Magazine. This week we look at a one page feature called “Things Shouted out to Paris Hilton as She Left Prison”, which first appeared in MAD #481, Sept 2007. Everyone remembers when super-talented international superstar Paris Hilton was incarcerated in 2007 on trumped up charges by a corrupt and jealous L.A. Police Department, right? No? That’s okay, no one else does either. Nor cares. Actually Paris was arrested for a DUI and… READ MORE
March 17th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Thank’s the miracle of modern DNA genetic testing I found out a few years ago that I am, in fact, 4% Irish! So, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I did the above illustration for the “Warner Bros Consumer Products” division a number of years ago, back when they actually produced MAD related products. I did several pieces of art that ended up as T-shirts or whatever. I still have the shirt this was printed on, and I wear it one day a year. You can guess which. Here are some of the pencil designs I sent them before we went with the final seen above: READ MORE
March 14th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Hot Dog! It’s time for another lukewarm serving of the overly processed meat byproduct that was my work for MAD Magazine! This week we look at a very odd side project… a six page advertising insert for “Ball Park Franks” that appeared in MAD #480, Aug 2007 and a lot of other DC comic books that same month. Ball Park Franks started a bizarre ad campaign in the summer of 2007 called “My Hunger”. This campaign was to feature TV and magazine ads with people who, upon seeing a Ball Park Frank hotdog, sprout a hairy and muscular arm from their stomachs which in turn… READ MORE
March 7th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Wingagium Levigrossa! It’s Monday and that means another spellbinding look at my magically mediocre work for MAD Magazine. This week you are truly cursed with a gaze at MAD‘s spoof of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, written by my CLAPTRAP collaborator Desmond Devlin and first appearing in MAD #480, August 2007. There were a total of eight “Harry Potter” films. Only the first seven were spoofed in MAD Magazine proper, although the last film was parodied and published in a special collector’s issue. I did the art for three of the eight movies, this being my second one. Mort Drucker did the… READ MORE
March 1st, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Today would have been Bill Gaines 100th birthday. I never got to meet him. He passed away June of 1992, 8 years before my first piece appeared in MAD. I was lucky to have gotten to work with so many people who were part of the Gaines era, but I’ll always feel I missed out on the full MAD experience because Bill never saw a single thing I ever drew. I’ve heard many stories about him from friends who knew him well and worked with him for decades. He was a giant in the world of comics and the industry would not be the same without him.… READ MORE