MAD Magazine

MADness #59: Dog the Bounty Hunter!

February 28th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Hold it right there, brother! We’re taking you in for another bail jumping episode of our criminally inane rampage through my work at MAD Magazine. This week we have a look at MAD‘s spoof of the reality TV series “Dog the Bounty Hunter” that first appeared in MAD #478, June 2007 and was written by Dennis Snee. This was one of only two pieces I ever worked on with Dennis as the main writer. I call him “Dennis” even though I never met him because if I try calling him “Mr. Snee” I have to do it in a Captain Hook voice, and that gets… READ MORE

MAD KIDness #2: Spiderman!

February 21st, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

We interrupt this relentless crawl through my web of work for MAD Magazine to spin a tale of my first “cover” job for MAD… sort of. My next job for MAD was another for their short lived sister publication MAD KIDS, and was both the cover and an interior piece, both the old web head himself, Spider-Man for MAD KIDS #7, MAY 2007. MAD art director Sam Viviano warned me that a cover job would be a little different, and he was not kidding. Often when doing feature stuff the editors give the artists a lot of leeway to have fun and add something to the proceedings. They… READ MORE

MADness #58- Entourage!

February 14th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s time for another stop on the glitzy Hollywood lifestyle that is definitely not like the tour of my work for MAD Magazine. This week we take a look at MAD‘s parody of the HBO series “Entourage”, appearing in MAD #476, April 2007, written by Arnie Kogen. Interestingly enough, I scanned all the final pencils for this job as opposed to my usual “roughs”. I am pretty sure this is because I was trying to spend less time on the roughs and doing more of the full drawing on the big boards to try and cut down my process time. This is the only “rough”… READ MORE

MADness #57: The Best Damn Sports Show Period!

February 7th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

What embodies America’s obsession over professional sports more than this Sunday’s ultimate sports spectacle, the Super Bowl? Why, a bunch of former athletes, comedians, and talking heads sitting around on camera talking about sports, that’s what! In MAD #475, March 2007, I did the art for another installment of “MAD Deconstructs TV Talk Shows”, this time roasting “The Best damn Sports Show Period”, written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin! This is another MAD job where most of my pencils and other process stuff have mysteriously disappeared, so I have almost none of that to share. I do remember two things about this job, however.… READ MORE

MADness #56- Kim City!

January 31st, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Get ready for the fallout because it’s time to launch another episode of our nuclear-powered trip through my work at MAD Magazine! This piece is a megaton-o-fun from MAD’s “20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2006” from MAD #473, Jan 2007. I think the theme and message is self explanatory. There is no writer credit so this was one of the MAD 20 pieces that was written by the MAD staff. This was another try at a fully digital piece, and I liked the results with this one a lot better than the “religious Video Games” one I had done a few issues ago.… READ MORE

MADness #55- Grey’s Anatomy!

January 25th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Better late than never this week… it’s time for another installment of our look back at my work for MAD Magazine! This week we revisit the parody of what was then a brand new TV show called “Grey’s Anatomy”, written by Arnie Kogen and first appearing in MAD #472, Dec 2006. Let’s get to the spoof… stat! For some reason all my sketches and process stuff for this spoof is missing, so I have no pencils or anything to share but the final art. I’ve no idea what happened to all those images. The last panel of the page above is interesting because the character… READ MORE

MADness #54: Mel Gibson and Religious Video Games!

January 17th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s Monday! You know what that means… time for another revolting episode of our long and winding stroll down the road that is my work for MAD magazine. MAD #471, Nov 2006 marked the second time I had multiple pieces in the same issue, and the first time I contributed anything to “The Fundalini Pages”. Back in 2004 MAD added a feature in the front of the magazine called “The Fundalini Pages”. It appeared immediately after the “Letters and Tomatoes” section and consisted of usually four to six pages of short form features like comic strips, single panel gag cartoons, all text pieces, photo gags,… READ MORE

MADness #53- Hell’s Kitchen!

January 10th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s Monday, and that means another tasty episode from our ongoing menu of my work for MAD Magazine. For this main course, all I can say is if you can’t stand the %$#&@ heat then get out of my %$#!*& kitchen! It’s back to “reality” TV with MAD’s parody of the foul-mouthed Gordon Ramsey and his chef competition show “Hell’s Kitchen”. This spoof was written by MAD’s MADdest Writer Dick DeBartolo and appeared in MAD #470, October 2006. I can’t remember if the deadline on this one was really short, but these “roughs” are about as rough as they ever got for me. I had… READ MORE


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