MAD Magazine
January 3rd, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the Superman sequel the WB wants to forget ever happened! Too late! MAD did a spoof of “Superman Returns” in MAD #468, August 2006, written by MAD‘s MADdest Writer Dick DeBartolo, so it’s immortalized… just like “Bunny Lake is Missing”! I thought it was odd having Spider-Man narrate the first part of the parody, but it actually worked really well because the gag about his being a hipper and more relevant movie superhero aside, it allowed for an “outside looking in” explanation of the convoluted plot and how the movie attempted to be a direct sequel to 1980’s… READ MORE
December 27th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
We’re taking a week off of revisiting the old with a brand new MAD piece from MAD #23, which dropped earlier this month. This is a rare piece of new work inside of the magazine, which is almost entirely reprint material these days. MAD #23 is a “Batman” themed issue, and since the cover featured the latest Batman from the upcoming “The Batman” film, MAD head honcho Suzy Hutchinson convinced the powers-that-be upstairs to spring for s new two pager so there was something inside that also featured Robert Pattinson‘s Bats. This is it, written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin. Toon in next week… READ MORE
December 20th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Rev those engines, race fans! It’s monday, and that means it’s time for another agonizingly slow lap around my work for MAD Magazine. This week we are shifting gears with what was my first all-digital piece for the magazine, “Rejected Characters from Cars”, written by Jacob Lambert and first appearing in MAD #467, July 2006. When I say “all digital” I just mean the finished art. I still did the pencil sketches with actual pencils on actual paper, but after scanning the roughs I did do any physical inking on bristol board like I usually do. I wbt right on top of the pencils with… READ MORE
December 13th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s time for another off-key Monday edition of Tom’s MADness! This time we drop the mic with a return to the world of “reality” TV and another cringe-worthy performance with “You Can Write the Next American Idol Single”, written by my CLAPTRAP partner Desmond Devlin and appearing in MAD #466, June 2006. This was also my 50th appearance in the magazine. I have to admit I don’t like these kinds of reality competition shows, and have never watched more than a few episodes of any of them. It’s not that I think they are bad shows, I just find them uninteresting and boring. My wife… READ MORE
December 6th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Yeehaw! It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for another stop on the dusty trail that is my work for MAD Magazine. Today we have a look at MAD‘s spoof of the multiple Oscar winning film “Brokeback Mountain”, written by Arnie Kogen and appearing in MAD #465, May 2006. I thought MAD doing a spoof of this film was a real surprise for a couple of reasons. First, because of the lag between when a movie is in theaters and when the MAD parody appears in print, and given how short a time most movies spend playing in theaters nowadays, MAD mostly stuck with big… READ MORE
December 1st, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
MAD finally officially released this so I can share it here. The cover art for MAD #23, gag by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin. Des and I also did a two page Batman related piece inside this issue. MAD #23 will be available in comic books shops on Tuesday, Dec 7th. READ MORE
November 29th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Pay attention, class! We are taking a quick recess from our chronological review of my work in MAD magazine to have a lesson on some stuff I did for its all-too-brief sister publication, MAD KIDS. In late 2005, MAD started publishing a second magazine aimed at the grade school “Nickelodeon” market called MAD KIDS. It featured some reprinted content from the MAD archives that was often softed up for younger readers, but also had a lot of new content as well as puzzles and games. There were younger, kid versions of Alfred and Spy vs. Spy, and in general the humor was aimed at the… READ MORE
November 22nd, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Attention, class! Stop with the spitballs and paper airplanes, ya momsers! It’s Monday and time for another history lesson on the worst of MAD Magazine with a look at “35 Scholarly Reasons Why School Sucks!”, written by Jacob Lambert and drawn by me and the terrific Peter Bagge! I thought it was a cool concept with this feature to split the art duties between myself and Peter. He had just started having art in MAD about a year earlier, but was already very well known for his comic book Hate and other work. I did not see any of Peter’s art on this until I… READ MORE