MAD Magazine
August 30th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42… do you remember the significance of these mystery numbers from the mid-late 2000’s hit TV series “LOST”? No? That’s okay, neither does anyone else. No doubt not too many people remember the MAD parody either, but MAD‘s Maddest writer Dick Debartolo and I spoofed the show in MAD #453, May 2005. I recall this splash page being particularly fun to do. Not only are all the word boxes jumbled about as opposed to the strict horizontal layout that MAD usually employs, but showing the cast in mid-crash of the plane was a bit of a challenge. Fortunately in… READ MORE
August 24th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Yesterday’s Monday MADness featured one of only two pieces piece I ever worked on for MAD that was (partly in this case) written by the late, great John Caldwell. John was a phenomenally funny cartoonist who sadly passed away in 2016 from cancer at the much too early age of 69. Former MAD editor John Ficarra recently wrote this article remembering John. Go read it. READ MORE
August 23rd, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s Monday! That means it’s time to deal out another look back at my work for MAD Magazine, and this hand is definitely a 7-2 off suit. Today we have a look at “A MAD Peek Behind the Scenes at Celebrity Poker Showdown”, which took not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR people to write… Desmond Devlin, Steve Rosso, John Caldwell and David Shayne, and appearing in MAD #452, April 2005! Honestly, not my favorite MAD job. Not that it wasn’t funny, I just don’t give a &*%$ about poker, and find it all extremely boring. I don’t know anything about it, and… READ MORE
August 17th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Today is the 24th anniversary of the start of, an incredible resource for all fans and aficionados of MAD Magazine. The MADCoverSite is the tireless effort of one person, MAD Superfan Doug Gilford. Doug started it on Aug 17th, 1997 as part of the late Dick Hanchette‘s website. It began as a collection of scans of the all the covers of MAD through the years, along with a list of each issues highlights (or lowlights depending on your perspective). Doug began adding lists of all the movie and TV parodies that had appeared, in alphabetical order with the real movie or show title and the issue in which it appeared.… READ MORE
August 16th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
As if Monday’s weren’t bad enough, it’s time for another nauseating look back at my furshlugginer work for MAD Magazine! Today’s episode is another MAD TV show parody, spoofing “Two and a Half Men”, written by the great Arnie Kogen and first appearing in MAD #450, February 2005. This parody was done when the show was hugely popular and before star Charlie Sheen went off the deep end, which is why you’ll find no references to tiger’s blood, warlocks, “winning”, or general delusion. I cannot remember if I was in a real hurry on this one due to a tight deadline, but the pencil roughs… READ MORE
August 13th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Last week Saturday comedian Trevor Moore passed away at 41 in a what is being referred to as a “tragic accident” in a residential yard in Los Angeles. So far no details have been released. Moore was one of the founders of the NYC comedy group “The Whitest Kids U Know”, which ran for 5 season on the Independent Film Channel. Back in 2008 MAD did a “special advertising section” insert in issue #486 (and I think a number of other DC Comics publications) that promoted “The Whitest Kids U Know” show on IFC. It was kind of a mini MAD with a cover by… READ MORE
August 9th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Hold on to your warrants, boys and girls! It’s time for yet another episode of a look back at my twenty years of art for MAD Magazine… DUN DUN! This week we take a look back at MAD‘s spoof of one of the roughly two dozen “Law and Order” spin-offs, “Law and Order” Criminal Intent”, written by MAD‘s Maddest writer Dick Debartolo and first appearing in MAD #449, January 2005. Sadly the pencil roughs for this one are lost, but I do have scans of the inks! Clicky any to embiggen. This was and remains one of my favorite TV parodies I ever did for… READ MORE
August 2nd, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s Monday! That means another step on our excruciatingly slow creep through my work at MAD magazine! This week we have a look at MAD‘s parody of “The Bernie Mac Show”, written by MAD editor David Shayne and first appearing in MAD #447, November 2004. I still have the pencil roughs of this one. This was one of those show I had never seen any episodes of, and it was WAY before streaming and on-demand was a thing, so I had to set me DVR (THAT was a thing then) to record some episodes to do my research. Fortunately it had been on a few… READ MORE