MAD Magazine

RIP Bo Obama

May 18th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Former president Barack Obama and his family’s Portuguese water dog Bo passed away last week. They got the dog as a puppy shortly after they moved into the White House. I am reluctantly reminded of the first book I ever illustrated for the MAD gang, Bo Confidential: The Secret Files of America’s First Dog. Bo moved into the White House on April 14th of 2009, and he got a LOT of media attention. Naturally the folks at MAD thought that was ridiculous, so they quickly wrote a short book and it was rushed to press… and I mean RUSHED. I got the assignment in late April of… READ MORE

MADness #26: Trading Spaces!

May 17th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I’m sure you are on the edge of your seat for yet another fascinating episode from our weekly chronological crawl through my work for MAD Magazine. This week’s episode features a spoof of the TLC home improvement show “Trading Spaces”, written by MAD‘s Maddest writer Dick Debartolo, and appearing in MAD #435, November 2003. This was the first of what would be four home improvement/HGTV “reality” show parodies I would draw for MAD, and I believe they did a couple of others drawn by other artists. This always made me scratch my head a bit. There were many really popular TV series that MAD never… READ MORE

MADness 25: Without Sports!

May 10th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s another riveting episode of Tom’s Chronological MAD Career! This week’s installment is a look at another sports feature entitled “Without Sports…”, written by the late Barry Liebmann, and appearing in MAD #434, Oct 2003. This was one of only two pieces I worked on with Barry, the other in 2012. Barry sadly passed away in 2017 at the way too early age of 63. This piece is memorable for me for two reasons. First, I had a lot of fun including MAD patriarch Bill Gaines as “God” in the upper right corner. I am pretty sure doing that was my idea, but I don’t… READ MORE

MADness 24: Terminator 3!

May 3rd, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s another chapter in our ongoing saga of a look back at all my MAD work in chronological order. This week we have a peek at another movie parody, this time MAD‘s MADdest writer Dick Debartolo and I terminate “Terminator 3”. This spoof appeared in MAD #432, Aug 2003. This is a rare look at my final pencils for a splash page. It’s rare because I very seldom scan in the final pencils. When I post “pencils” here what you are really seeing are the “roughs”, or the initial sketched pages I scan and send to MAD for review. Those I do right on the… READ MORE

MADness 23: The Hulk!

April 26th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s yet another thrilling episode of the excruciatingly dull chronological crawl through my work in MAD, featuring my art for the two pager “A MAD Peek Behind the Scenes on the Set of The Hulk.” This piece was written by “MAD‘s MADdest Writer” Dick DeBartolo and “Slightly Disturbed MAD Editor” Greg Leitman. It appeared in MAD #431, July 2003. I did several of these “MAD Peek Behind the Scenes on the Set of…” features, and they were all pretty much the same overhead shot looking down on the set of a TV show or movie with caricatures of the cast as well as set workers,… READ MORE

MADness #22: X-Men 2!

April 19th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

It’s another installment of our ridiculous chronological crawl through my work in MAD! We return to the world of superhero movie spoofs with this parody of the film “X2”, written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin and appearing in MAD #430, June 2003. The movie debuted in theaters on May 2, 2003, so we actually had the parody out BEFORE the film, since this issue was on news stand in mid April. Are we clairvoyant? Is Desmond a Time Lord? Did we use MAD Magazine’s tremendous clout in the world of entertainment to see an advanced release of the film? Nope, nope, and MAD has… READ MORE

A MAD History Lesson…

April 16th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Mental Floss posted this video about the history of MAD magazine a couple weeks ago. I’ve been meaning to link to it but I keep forgetting. Today I remembered. While it’s only 15 minutes, the video does a pretty good job of covering the origins of MAD. They are also more accurate about the details than many longer stories from bigger sources. Certainly they deserve kudos for getting the history right concerning MAD’s switch to a magazine format. So many other media stories about MAD assumes they switched to avoid the Comics Code Authority because it happened around the same time, when that was just… READ MORE

New Piece in MAD!

April 13th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Hey everybody! I have some art in the latest issue of MAD Magazine!!! For realz! I just cancelled my application to replace the license plates on my car as these are current again for now: MAD #19 drops today and the above two pager contains some new art from me, written by Benjamin Le Clear. It’s still largely a reprint piece with the different Al Jaffee clairvoyant inventions, but new stuff is new stuff! BTW I hand lettered the title and the birthday wishes for Al in the bottom right, as art director Suzy Hutchinson wanted an old school look to go with Mr. Original… READ MORE


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