MAD Magazine
March 18th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
MAD collector Tim Johnson has an annual (sometimes more than annual) auction of MAD collectibles that always features very cool and sometimes extremely rare MAD junk. Tim may be a world class MAD collector but this year his auction brochure cover is as classless as it gets. This is a spoof of a famous Frank Zappa poster image, done at Tim’s suggestion. If you are interested in Tim’s auction you can check it out here. It’s done via email and at the end telephone, so no eBay involved. READ MORE
March 15th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
We continue our Monday MADness chronological crawl through my work for MAD with a look at appearance number 17 for me in the magazine. This was a feature MAD occasionally did called “A MAD Peek Behind the Scenes on the set of…” which was a sort of parody of whatever show or movie was the subject. I ended up doing a few of these over the years, this being the first. It was written by the late, great John Caldwell and appeared in MAD #422, Oct 2002. It was the only time I ever did the art for a fully Caldwell written piece, although he was one of… READ MORE
March 13th, 2021 | Posted in General
The words “legendary” and “genius” get thrown around an awful lot these days, but if there is anyone in the world of cartooning to whom these words truly apply it would be the great Al Jaffee, who turns 100 years old today. MAD Magazine has had many artists work for them whose level of talent and skill have been off the charts: Jack Davis, Mort Drucker, Wally Wood, Harvey Kurtzman, Will Elder, Sergio Aragonés, Don Martin… the list keeps on going and going. Some were incredible visual artists like Drucker, Wood, Elder, and Davis, some were unique combinations of written and visual humor like Kurtzman, Sergio,… READ MORE
March 8th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
We continue our Monday MADness chronological crawl through my work for MAD with a look at my 16th appearance in the magazine. This was another “sports” (specifically baseball) related piece written by Scott Lieberman for MAD #421, Sept 2002. It’s also the third (and last) feature I did in black and white for the magazine until the “retro” spoof I did of “Bounty Law” from “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” just a few years ago. I have to say I am embarrassed by that first panel. This might have been done 20 years ago and racial stereotyping was something no one was very conscious… READ MORE
March 5th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Apparently if you ever aspired to be one of “The Usual Gang of Idiots” at MAD Magazine, being born in March raised your odds at bit. It seems like a lot of UGOI have birthdays this month, notably Al Jaffee who turns 100 on the 13th, Bill Gaines (March 1st), Ray Alma (March 4th), Sam Viviano (also March 13th), and Mort Drucker (March 22nd). I’m probably missing a few. Another longtime member of the Usual Gang’s birthday is this month… this day, in fact! Paul Coker Jr. turns 92 today. I’m told Jaffee always refers to him as, “that kid.” I’ve always felt that Paul… READ MORE
March 4th, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
The Chicago Reader’s Jake Austen has a terrific article about new MAD Fold-In Fiend Johnny Sampson, which also serves as a pretty good snapshot of the state of the magazine today. Definitely worth a read. READ MORE
March 1st, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
We continue our Monday MADness chronological crawl through my work for MAD with a look at my 15th appearance in the magazine, and my first “Superhero” movie parody. This is a spoof of the first Tobey Maguire Spider-Man film, written by Dick DeBartolo and appearing in MAD #418, June 2002. I remember I inked a lot of this job while I was attending a National Caricaturists Network convention in Las Vegas in 2002. That splash page features a lot of cameos of people I know. From the far left, the guy in the blue shirt is my pal Jim Batts, the little girl with the… READ MORE
February 22nd, 2021 | Posted in MAD Magazine
We continue our Monday MADness chronological crawl through my work for MAD with a look at my 14th appearance in the magazine, and my third movie parody. This one was a spoof of the Wes Anderson film “The Royal Tenenbaums”, written by Arnie Kogen and appearing in MAD #417, May 2002. This was (and remains) one of my favorite movie parodies I did for MAD. It’s not a favorite because of the work I did on it…I was still learning the ropes of doing these continuities. I loved working on this one because it was one of the most unique movies I ever got to… READ MORE