MAD Magazine

MADness #1: Home Theater Gadgets!

November 23rd, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Since it looks like I’ve probably done my last job for MAD Magazine, I am going to start showing each piece I did for the magazine in chronological order here on the Monday MADness feature, and telling any stories associated with them. I know I showed a few of these recently but I’m a completist so here’s my first ever published MAD piece, from MAD #399, Nov 2000 written by Dick DeBartolo. This was not actually the first piece I ever did for the magazine. I did this one in September of 2000, and my first assignment was in June of 2000, but that one… READ MORE

Monday MADness: My First MAD Movie Parody!

November 16th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

With Desmond Devlin and I doing our CLAPTRAP book project to keep the movie parody comics genre alive, I thought we’d take a look at my very first movie parody in MAD. This spoof of the four time Academy Award winning film “Traffic” was written by Arnie Kogen, and appeared in MAD #405, May 2001. Clicky any image to embiggen… I did three movie spoofs (and one TV spoof) for Cracked magazine before starting with MAD, so this one was not my first actual movie parody printed in a humor magazine, but it was the first one in MAD. If you’ve ever seen “Traffic”, you’ll… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Election Fun!

November 9th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In October of 2000 MAD was putting together it’s annual “MAD 20 People, Events and Things” issue and I was assigned the art for the obligatory page making fun of the presidential election of that year, George W. Bush versus Al Gore, written by Desmond Devlin. The issue was going to press on Nov. 8th, the day after the election. Not knowing who was going to win, I was asked to do two versions of the image, one with Bush being sworn in and one with Gore, showing the appropriate despondent other candidate and new first lady as well. Here were the images I did: Since the print date was… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Pixar!

November 2nd, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

With today’s announcement that Des and I will be doing a parody of Toy Story 4 for CLAPTRAP, here’s a look at some of the Pixar-related pieces I did for MAD. While MAD never did an actual full parody of any Pixar films, they did do a number of related features, some of which I did the art on. One was “Toyota Story” that Des wrote, from MAD #504. It makes fun of Toyota’s “Accelerategate” scandal from 2009. Here are the story pages: Another Pixar piece I did was a take on their “Cars” films entitled “Rejected Cars Characters” from MAD #467, written by Jacob… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Favorite Parodies?

October 25th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Q: What were some of your favorite MAD parodies to work on? A: I am a big Batman fan so the parodies I did one of the three Christopher Nolan movies are definitely at the top of that list: As far as TV shows, I loved doing Mad Men, Breaking Bad and Stranger Things. There were only a handful of movie/TV parodies I disliked doing. Most of the time these were the funnest, best projects to work on not matter the subject. Thanks to Minebot45 (via Reddit) for the question. If you have a question you want answered for the mailbag about cartooning, illustration, MAD Magazine, caricature or similar, e-mail… READ MORE

Monday MADness- First MAD Piece!

October 12th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Exactly 20 years ago this week, MAD #399 hit newsstands (for you kids out there a “newsstand” was a place where people bought magazines, newspapers, and chewing gum). Pages 30 and 31 of that issue featured my first printed piece in MAD, pictured above. It was written by MAD‘s MADDEST WRITER Dick DeBartolo. We threw a MAD party at our house. I was 34 years old and my youngest kid was 4. Today he is 24, a college graduate, homeowner, and currently on his honeymoon. Time flies. I still have both the rough pencil sketch and the original inks from this job: READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #16!

October 5th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Well, not “on the stands” since MAD is no longer on newsstands anywhere. It’s not in comic book shops either because that won’t happen until Wednesday, assuming you can find a copy in a comic book shop at all. It is, however, in most subscriber’s mailboxes already. I’m no longer going to list the contents of the issues, since the vast majority of it is reprinted material. I’ll just list anything that’s new. So here you go: Cover (Bob Lizarraga) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) Dastardly Dr. Bunk’s MAD Monster Lab (Tom Bunk) Classic Movie Scenes We’d Like to See (Sergio Aragonés) Fold-In (Johnny Sampson)… READ MORE

Des & Tom’s Movie Parody Book!

September 22nd, 2020 | Posted in General

Are you sad that MAD Magazine has stopped producing the movie parodies that they helped make a part of American Pop Culture? MAD writer Desmond Devlin and I are too, mostly because we have been doing the majority of them for the last twenty years and they aren’t paying us anymore! Well we decided to do something about it! We are pleased to announce the launch of our IndieGoGo campaign to produce a book FULL of movie parodies in the classic, humorous vein. Full color! Real paper! Hardcover! Reasonably proficient grammar! It’s called Claptrap!: Our first parody is already done (see splash page above)! MAD… READ MORE


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