MAD Magazine

Monday MADness: 35 Reasons School Sucks!

September 14th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In honor of today being the first day of school here in Minnesota, today’s Monday MADness is a look back at a feature called “35 Scholarly Reasons Why School Sucks” from MAD #464, April 2006. Written by Jacob Lambert, with with spot illustrations by myself and Peter Bagge. These are all the spots I did: READ MORE

Monday MADness: MAD #15!

September 7th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I realized the other day I never did my usual listing of contents for MAD #15. The issue has been out for a month already, but here you go: Cover (Isabel Samaras) Snappy Answers to Super-Stupid Questions (Kerry Callen) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) ECCCH-Men* (Dick Debartolo, Sam Viviano, Colors: Nathan Kane) MAD #327, May 1994 With Great Power Comes Great Instability (Jon Adams)  New Comic Book Superheroes Based on Real People* (Mike Snyder, Angelo Torres, Colors: Carrie Strachan) MAD #288, July 1989 More Powerful than a Locomotive* (Sergio Aragonés) MAD #172, Jan 1975 A “Comics” Scene We’d Like to See* (Don “Duck” Edwing, George Woodbridge, Colors: Nathan Kane) MAD #103, June 1966 Everyday Pet Peeves of Transformers* (Jacob Lambert, Tom Bunk) MAD #480,… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Battyman v Stuporman!

August 31st, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The mailbag question about “The Batman” trailer yesterday got me thinking about some of the other Batman related stuff I’ve done for MAD over the years. I ended up being the go-to artist for most of the comic-book related movie spoofs, which resulted in my doing the art for all three Christopher Nolan Batman films, and both “Justice League” and this movie “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”. This parody appeared in MAD #540, Aug 2016, written by Desmond Devlin. Remembering this job still gives me the cold sweats. For whatever reason I ended up getting this assignment with only 10 days to do the… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Bookazine Covers!

August 10th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I did these cover illustrations for a couple of MAD‘s “Bookazines” back in 2016. A “Bookazine” is the modern day version of the MAD Super Specials i.e. reprints collections. They are square-bound publications with heavier, glossy paper kind of half way between a softcover book and a premium magazine format, and usually follow a theme of some kind. MAD has been printing them every quarter for a few years now, although I think they are no longer being produced. You can see a list and all the covers of the Bookazine run over at Doug Gilford‘s fabulous MAD Coversite. READ MORE

MAD About Mort!

August 5th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Posting the little sneak peeks yesterday was fun, but here’s my full piece from MAD #15, which officially releases today. I both wrote and did the art for this… a first for me in MAD. I mentioned yesterday that this may be my last piece for MAD. It’s probably not. I might get a cover job someday or they’ll have some new piece they want done for some reason down the road and I’ll get a call to do it. However this two pager IS the end of a twelve year, 71 consecutive issue run of a new piece of my art in MAD (tied… READ MORE

MAD #15 Sneak Peek #14!

August 4th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

OMG!!! Not ANOTHER cropped close up sneak peek from my piece in MAD #15?? Have I no DECENCY???! Well, that’s the last one. Tomorrow I’ll post the whole thing, since the issue will officially be out. READ MORE

MAD #15 Sneak Peek #13!

August 4th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MERCY! NOT ANOTHER cropped close up sneak peek from my piece in MAD #15?? This HAS TO STOP! Thank goodness the issue comes out tomorrow!! READ MORE

MAD #15 Sneak Peek #11!

August 4th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Can you take yet ANOTHER cropped close up sneak peek from my piece in MAD #15?! Do you even know who these two guys are?? Luckily the issue comes out tomorrow. READ MORE


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