MAD #15 Sneak Peek #4!
Still another cropped close up sneak peek from my piece in MAD #15. The issue is being released earlier than expected… tomorrow in-fact. READ MORE
Still another cropped close up sneak peek from my piece in MAD #15. The issue is being released earlier than expected… tomorrow in-fact. READ MORE
Yet another cropped close up sneak peek from my piece in MAD #15. The issue drops tomorrow! READ MORE
Turns out MAD #15’s release date got moved up to tomorrow! So I’ll be posting sneak peeks all day! Here’s another READ MORE
MAD Magazine #15 is officially released two weeks from today, August 18th.. although subscribers have already started getting the issue in the mail. Issue 15 is, at least for now, the last issue containing new content aside from a new cover and a new Fold-In (now done by Johnny Sampson). I did a two page piece for this issue that might well be my last original piece for MAD. The subject matter was dear to my heart, so if this is my MAD swan song, it’s a good one to go out on. For the next two weeks I’ll be posting a close up sneak… READ MORE
Back in the fall of 2000 MAD published issue #400, which was a special full color issue on nice paper stock. I had just had my first piece appear in the issue before, and I was surprised to get any assignment for such a big milestone issue. One of the features was called “The Untold History of MAD” which was a sort of timeline with gags from the magazine’s long life. I was one of the artists who did some “covers we didn’t use” from each decade. These printed really small in the magazine. These were described as a double cover issue printed the morning… READ MORE
Today’s Monday MADness is a look back at a three pager Desmond Devlin and I did for MAD #504, August 2010. Back then Toyota was in some hot water for an “unexplained acceleration” issue with their card that resulted in a lawsuit and investigation. This was a play on that with the Toy Story gang. Originally I just did a movie poster spoof that was a little different than the above for the MAD website, but then they expanded it into a short story for the actual magazine. Trying to get the look of the Pixar characters was time consuming. I went straight from pencils… READ MORE
It’s crazy, but seven years ago almost exactly TO THE DAY (July 15th, 2013) I posted a look back at this parody of the TV Show “Glee” from MAD #506 after the untimely death of show star Cory Montieth. Here we are again on the sad occasion of the death of yet another young cast member from the show, Naya Rivera. That makes three including Mark Salling who died in 2018. So, in honor of Ms. Rivera, here is the complete “Glee” parody, written by Arnie Kogen, along with the pencil sketches. Incidentally, three of my kids make cameo appearances on the splash page! READ MORE
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the complete parody of “The Wizard of Oz” from MAD #505, Oct. 2010, written by Desmond Devlin. with the increasingly poisonous partisan dialogues of the political talking heads of the time as a target (little did we know). This was a really fun but exhausting one to work on, considering I needed to do caricatures of dozens of political pundits as either munchkins or other characters. It’s always challenging to try and incorporate both a caricature likeness and some other recognizable visual identity like the Tin Man, Scarecrow or the Cowardly Lion into the same character. Here… READ MORE
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