MAD Magazine
February 24th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Well, the new MAD era has begun in earnest. MAD #12 appeared in comic book shops last week. This issue is the first with the full-blown “mostly classic content with some new content” mix we’ve been told was coming. What we see is probably pretty indicative of what we can expect going forward… themed issues with about 20% new material, and 80% classic content with some colorizing here and there. What is reader reaction? Outrage? Sounding the death knell? Mass revolt that MAD is no longer focused on skewering the current world around us and instead is focused mostly on nostalgia/the past? Almost none of… READ MORE
February 17th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Arriving in subscribers mailboxes already, and in comic book shops everywhere Wednesday- MAD #12… The “TV” issue! Cover (Mark Fredrickson) A MAD Look at a TV Commercial* (Al Jaffee) That’s Advertainment! (Sheryl Zohn, Johnny Sampson) VH-1 Drags Out Even More RuPaul Shows! (Grant Reed, Tom Richmond) M*U*S*H * (Arnie Kogen, Jack Davis) A MAD Look at TV* (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Carrie Strachan) Deadliest Carts (Amanda Stellberg, Gideon Kendall) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) MAD‘s Cable TV Roulette* (Mike Snyder, Colors: Nathan Kane) Meanwhile (Ian Boothby, Pia Guerra) The Shadow Knows (Sergio Aragonés) MAD‘s Reality Street* (Dick DeBartolo Jack Davis, Colors: Nathan Kane) General Realistic Ad* (Uncredited) The Lighter Side of Television* (Dave Berg, Colors: Raven Juergensen) BoobTube- Mash-ups We… READ MORE
February 11th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
A couple of old school Usual Idiots are getting decidedly new school by bringing their legendary foolishness to the Interwebs! Angelo Torres is one of the most prolific MAD artists ever, appearing in 282 issues since his debut in MAD #130 (Oct 1969). He helped define the movie/TV parody genre with his fantastic caricature work and witty storytelling. His work also appeared in earlier E.C. titles, Atlas Comics and Warren titles like Eerie and Creepy. He’s won numerous awards including the prestigious Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Cartoonists Society. In short, Ange is a Big Deal. Angelo recently launched a website, where… READ MORE
February 10th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at one of the more unique movie parodies I’ve done for MAD, “Green Lantern” from MAD #510, August 2011. written by Desmond Devlin. It was not unique because of the film, but because of a rare instance of the MAD editors cutting a gag of mine, some experimenting on my part with my process, and a bizarre request for a cameo. First, the MAD edit: This was my pencil rough for the splash page: The “finger” ring construct was my gag. It’s not very often the editors step in and nix a gag I come up with, but… READ MORE
February 5th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine posted an exclusive sneak peek of the two page feature I did the art for in MAD #12; “VH-1 Drags Out Even More RuPaul Shows!”, written by Grant Reed. They had not just the spread (above) but a close up of each of the TV show promo images: Giving credit where credit is due, the “nuclear mushroom cloud” hairdo gag was suggested by MAD art director (and now also managing editor) Suzy Hutchinson. ??? MAD #12 is on sale in Comic Book shops on Feb 19th. READ MORE
February 3rd, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the splash and one more page from MAD #430 (June 2003)’s spoof of “X-Men 2”. I’m posting this because star Shawn Ashmore mentioned he did not know he’d appeared in MAD way back then, he thought his appearance in the spoof of “The Following” in 2014 was his first time getting into MAD. Here you go, Shawn! READ MORE
January 31st, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine just posted a peek at the cover (see above, art by Mark Fredrickson) and some of the contents of the upcoming MAD #12, saying that the issue “targets the television industry”. MAD has been posting small sneak peeks of the contents of MAD #12 on their Instagram page . A lot of people are highly curious about this issue because it is really the first of the “new” MAD with the mix of “classic material” along with some new content that we have been told is the new norm. How much new content? What kind of classic material? No one has been very specific.… READ MORE
January 27th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine
From “Muddled Family”, MAD #509, June 2011. Writer: Arnie Kogen. I always liked this caricature of Ed O’Neill. It was weird going back to drawing him after doing all those issues of “Married…with Children” comics back in the early-mid 90s. READ MORE