MAD Magazine
September 9th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This was one of my favorite panels from MAD #6’s “Merry Poopins Goes to the White House” (written by Ian Boothby), mainly because of the caricature of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Here’s the full panel: READ MORE
September 3rd, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine
It’s very rare that I offer to sell the original art from an entire parody, but due to some sudden household repair expenses I’m making this piece available. It’s the entire 7 page parody of the hit Netflix show “Stranger Things” from MAD #548. Two page splash above, story pages below. If you happened to visit the exhibit “Artistically MAD” at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum last year you saw this entire parody on display. The pages are inked with dip pen/brush on heavy bristol board. The text has been reproduced exactly as in print and pasted up using archival materials. The page… READ MORE
August 19th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This week’s Monday MADness is a peek at the pencils for the Lion King (sort of) spoof written by Akilah Hughes from MAD #9. This was a bit of a tough assignment because it required a back and forth from images from the movie to the corresponding “green screen” moments on set. A lot of times I only had the face to work with as the actors were in tight fitting green hoods for the CGI filming. Clicky any to embiggen… READ MORE
August 13th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine
I’ve known this for a few days now but felt I needed to keep it under my hat. However MAD’s MADDEST WRITER Dick DeBartolo officially let the cat out of the bag on Leo Laporte’s “The Tech Guy” podcast this past weekend that MAD #11, which was originally supposed to be the first issue with reprinted classic material and little or no new original content, will have the annual “MAD‘s 20 Dumbest, Events, People, and Things of (the Year)”. So that’s a lot of original content right there… at least for one more issue. READ MORE
August 12th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s a few sneak peeks at some of the panels from the other parody I drew in MAD #9, “Behind the Scenes of Dizzy’s The Lion King”. With all the attention the Tarantino stuff has gotten this is getting overlooked a little, but it was a very funny script from comedian Akilah Hughes. Now go out and buy a copy, clod! READ MORE
August 6th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In our last episode, I told the story of how I was lucky enough to get to meet Quentin Tarantino on the set of “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” to deliver the original prop art I did for him. During our conversation he told me about his idea to do a parody of the fictitious “Bounty Law” TV show that Leonardo DiCaprio‘s character was supposed to have starred in back in the late 50’s early 60’s. I told him we should pitch that to MAD and see what happens. What happened was the folks at MAD thought it was a great idea, so in… READ MORE
August 5th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Arriving in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands (one last time) tomorrow and in comic book shops everywhere Wednesday! Cover (Tom Richmond) MAD Straight Jacket Ad (reprinted from various, first appeared in MAD #46) Letters Page (Ed.) Lousy Law (Andrew Secunda, Tom Richmond) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) The Lighter Side of (Tammy Golden, Jon Adams) Cartoon Scenes We’d Like to See (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Carrie Strachan) Shorts & Briefs Panel Cartoon (Anya Davidson) Woodstock Puzzle (Charlie Kadau) Panel Cartoon (P.C. Vey) Panel Cartoon (Charlie Hankin) Panel Cartoon (Jon Adams) Panel Cartoon (Lars Kenseth) Signs She’s Not Into You (Arie Kaplan, A Person, Colors: Nathan… READ MORE
July 31st, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine
With all the hullabaloo about MAD‘s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” cover and “Bounty Law” parody, I haven’t mentioned I did the art on ANOTHER parody in MAD #9. This one is called “Behind the Scenes of Dizzy’s The Lion King”, written by comedian Akilah Hughes. Screenrant has an exclusive look at the spoof (actually the entire 5 page feature) on their website. You can go have a look but don’t forget to go buy a copy when it comes out next week!!! READ MORE